1952: W.O. Schumann identifies 7.83 hertz resonant frequency of - TopicsExpress


1952: W.O. Schumann identifies 7.83 hertz resonant frequency of the earth, now called the Schumann Resonance. 1952: US White House Department of Weather Modification formed. 1952-1954: Project SCUD: US Gov. experiment with cloud seeding over the East Coast of the USA. 1953: President Eisenhower creates the U.S. Advisory Committee on Weather Control. 1953-1954: Scientists at New York University seed nineteen cyclones. 1954: The Weather Bureau, Navy, Air Force, MIT’s Institute for Advanced Study, and the University of Chicago form a Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit using an IBM 701 computer. The first radar specifically designed for meteorological use, the AN/CPS-9, is unveiled by the Air Weather Service, USAF. 1956: US Weather Bureau initiates a National Hurricane Research Project. 1958: Van Allen radiation belts discovered (zones of charged particles trapped in earth’s magnetic field 2,000+ miles up). Project Argus: U.S. Navy explodes 3 nuclear missiles in the recently discovered Van Allen belt. VA Belt violently disrupted with nuclear detonations via long range missiles. It sure didn’t take them long to start meddling with a natural system they just discovered! 1958: Chief White House Adviser on Weather Modification, Captain Howard T. Orville, said the Department of Defense was studying “ways to manipulate the charges of the Earth and sky and so affect the weather by using an electronic beam to ionise or de-ionise the atmosphere over a given area.” Could this be Nikola Tesla’s wireless electricity “death ray” being experimented with 54 years ago! 1958: Senator Lyndon B. Johnson (future US President) made a prophetic opening statement at a Hearings before the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services: “From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid. There is something more important than the ultimate weapon. And that is the ultimate position. The position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere in outer space… In essence, the Soviet Union has appraised control of space as a goal of such consequence that achievement of such control has been made a first aim of national policy. [In contrast], our decisions, more often than not, have been made within the framework of the Government’s annual budget. Against this view, we now have on record the appraisal of leaders in the field of science, respected men of unquestioned competence, whose valuation of what control of outer space means renders irrelevant the bookkeeping concerns of fiscal officers.” 1958: M. Gorodsky, Soviet engineer and mathematician, and Valentin Cherenkov, Soviet meteorologist, propose placing a ring of metallic potassium particles into Earth’s polar orbit to diffuse light reaching Earth and increase solar radiation to thaw the permanently frozen soil of Russia, Canada, and Alaska and melt polar ice. Once again, we see proposals to melt the Arctic. Also worth noting, these scientists proposed adding metallics to the atmosphere to HEAT the planet. Modern Geoengineers claim adding metallics to the atmosphere will COOL the planet. What do you think the real impact of atmospheric aerosol metallic particles is? Does metal get hot when the sun hits it? Will hot metal transmit heat to the air around it? Think about it. geoengineeringwatch.org/the-history-of-weather-modification-is-very-long-and-extensive-indeed-those-that-deny-this-have-simple-not-investigated/
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 21:27:39 +0000

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