1954 film in Godzilla the original Godzilla in Gojira was a - TopicsExpress


1954 film in Godzilla the original Godzilla in Gojira was a prehistoric monster that weighed 20,000 metric tons, was 50 meters tall, and terrorized the ships of Japan. It was disturbed by an American Hydrogen bomb testing in the Pacific Ocean. After being awakened, Godzilla attacked Tokyo, destroyed much of the city, and killed tens of thousands. In hopes of stopping Godzilla, a scientist by the name of Dr. Daisuke Serizawa activated an experimental weapon he had developed, named the Oxygen Destroyer. Although Dr. Serizawa committed suicide in the process (out of shame and guilt), the weapon was successful, completely disintegrating Godzilla. It was stated at the end of the film that it was doubtful that there was only one creature, alluding not only to the many incarnations of Godzilla that would later appear, but also to all the other monsters that would be featured in movies produced by Toho. Showa Series Godzilla Raids Again in Godzilla Raids Again As alluded to at the end of the original movie, Godzilla again surfaced at first as a menace in Godzilla Raids Again. Raids Again was the first film where Godzilla fought another monster; Anguirus. Godzilla and Anguirus were first spotted fighting by two pilots and ended up falling down a cliff, their fight to be resumed later. Godzilla and Anguirus meet again in Osaka, and Godzilla ends up killing Anguirus. Setting the tone for future Showa series films, Godzillas fate is uncertain at the end when he is buried under tons of ice. King Kong vs. Godzilla His next film was 1962s King Kong vs. Godzilla. Godzilla emerges from an iceberg at sea and heads for a Japanese base in the Arctic. After an unsuccessful defense attempt, Godzilla is all over the news, and Mr. Tako, head of Pacific Pharmaceuticals, is angry at it, as he wants King Kong to bring attention to the company, and so he sends two men to get King Kong over there. They manage to capture King Kong, but he escapes and goes towards Godzilla. The two monsters meet in a valley and fight. Godzilla wins and King Kong retreats. The J.S.D.F. try to stop Godzilla and Kong multiple times, but fail. Eventually, they set up one million-volt power lines around a city and manage to fend off Godzilla, but King Kong seems to not be affected. After King Kong goes inside and is put asleep, he is airlifted with balloons to fight Godzilla once again. The next morning, Kong meets up with Godzilla and the two begin to fight. Godzilla eventually knocks Kong unconscious but then a thunderstorm arrives and revives King Kong, giving him the power of an electric grasp. The two begin to fight, Kong shoving a tree in Godzillas mouth, Godzilla lighting it on fire, burning Kongs hand. The two monsters fight some more, tearing down Atami Castle in the process, and eventually plunge into the sea. After an underwater battle, only King Kong resurfaces and begins to slowly swim back home to Faro Island. As Kong swims home onlookers arent sure if Godzilla survived the underwater fight, but speculate that it was possible. Mothra vs. Godzilla Godzilla was an antagonist for the final time in Mothra vs. Godzilla. Godzilla rose up from a beach and quickly started terrorizing the surrounding civilization. Eventually, Mothra and Godzilla meet up and battle near Mothras egg. Mothra dies, and Godzilla leaves. The military try to stop Godzilla but fail. The egg hatches two Mothra Larvae, who follow Godzilla to Iwa Island. The Larvae use their web attacks to trap Godzilla in a cocoon, and Godzilla plunges into the ocean, defeated. Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster Starting with Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, Godzilla took on the protagonist persona he would wear for the remainder of the series. Godzilla and Rodan wake up from hibernation and start attacking Japan, as well as each other. One of the two Mothra Larvae comes and convinces them to not fight and help fight King Ghidorah, with the Shobijin translating the conversation for the humans. Godzilla apparently uses terrible language, but ends up agreeing. He, Rodan, and Mothra go after King Ghidorah and eventually drive him off. Afterwards, Godzilla and Rodan stand by as they watch Mothra swim back to Infant Island. Invasion of Astro-Monster In Godzillas next film, Invasion of Astro-Monster, astronauts find the Xiliens and their planet, Planet X, behind Jupiter. The Xiliens ask if they can borrow Godzilla and Rodan to combat Monster Zero, to which the people of Earth agree. Godzilla and Rodan, dubbed Monster Zero-One and Monster Zero-Two, respectively, are brought up from the bottom of the sea while they were sleeping to Planet X. There, Godzilla and Rodan fight King Ghidorah and defeat him, to which Godzilla does an infamous victory dance in an act of celebration. The Xiliens assure the astronauts that King Ghidorah is gone, trades the monsters for the promise of a drug that cures all diseases, and the astronauts return to Earth. Afterwards, the Xilien Controller reveals that they have control of the three monsters and that Earth must surrender, or else. Eventually, the Xiliens send the monsters down and they rampage, but the humans manage to break them free of their mind control. Godzilla and Rodan team up against King Ghidorah and force him to retreat. Ebirah, Horror of the Deep Godzilla starts off in Ebirah, Horror of the Deep by getting revived by lightning after being found in a cavern. Godzilla finds and fights Ebirah, but Ebirah retreats. Godzilla then fights the Giant Condor and kills it after a skirmish. Godzilla destroys the Red Bamboo Organizations base and encounters Ebirah. He fights him once again and defeats it by ripping both of its pincers off. Godzilla then finds Mothra, who was summoned onto the island. Mothra manages to push Godzilla away and carry the people who called her off the island. Godzilla dives into the sea and escapes the island just before it explodes. Son of GODZILLA In Son of Godzilla, Godzilla gained a son, Minilla. Minilla hatched out of an egg, whose origins were unknown, prematurely, as the egg was broken by three Kamacuras. Godzilla arrives and beats up the Kamacuras, taking his son with him. At first, Minilla has difficulty producing anything more than smoke rings, but Godzilla discovers that stressful conditions, such as stomping on Minillas tail, produce a true atomic blast. Some time soon, Godzilla comes to the aid of Minilla, whom had accidentally awoken Kumonga. Together, the two are able to defeat Kumonga, with Minilla finally learning to control his radioactive blast. The weather control machine on the island freezes over the island, and Godzilla protects his son from the harsh cold, and the two eventually fall unconscious. The scientists know that once the snow melts, Godzilla and his son will live peacefully on the island. Destroy All Monsters! Godzilla and all of Earths monsters are living peacefully in Monsterland during the events of Destroy All Monsters. However, the Kilaaks come and take control of all the monsters and set them loose around the world. Godzilla attacks New York. After a series of events, the Earth monsters loose their mind control and the Kilaaks unleash King Ghidorah, their ultimate weapon. Godzilla, along with Minilla, Mothra, Rodan, Gorosaurus, Anguirus, Kumonga, Manda, Baragon, and Varan], fight and utterly destroy King Ghidorah. With their ultimate weapon dead, the Kilaaks attempt an escape, but their flaming U.F.O. is destroyed. The monsters then live peacefully on Monsterland forever after. Destroy All Monsters took place in the year 1999, twenty-four years after the events of Terror of MechaGodzilla. The series could also be said to truly end with Destroy All Monsterss ending, which depicted all of Earths monsters living out the rest of their days in peace on Monsterland. This jump of dates also explains how King Ghidorah appeared in Godzilla vs. Gigan, as he was killed in Destroy All Monsters. All Monsters Attack In All Monsters Attack, Godzilla only appears through the daydreams of Ichiro, meaning the events of this film never happen in the Universes reality. Godzillas appearance mostly consists of stock footage from previous films, and he eventually has Minilla try and fight his own battles against Gabara. After Gabara is seemingly defeated, he and Minilla assume the dream monster is defeated. However, Gabara bites and shocks Godzilla, but Godzilla and Minilla beat up Gabara, forcing him to retreat. Godzilla vs. Hedorah In Godzilla vs. Hedorah, classic music plays momentarily on a picture of a sunrise or sunset as Godzilla slowly comes on-screen and roars. Ken Yano has a short monologue about nuclear fallout and waste being put into the sea as Godzilla sets fire to sludge on the water. Hedorah then appears in land form, and begins to feed on pollution from a factory. Godzilla appears and attacks Hedorah, only to find out that the monster is immune to his atomic breath. Hedorah then retreats back to the ocean with Godzilla on his tail. Ken is at an amusement park and rides on the roller coaster when he spots Godzilla, looking like a silhouette in the background. Eventually, Hedorah appears at Mount Fuji, and Godzilla flies over there and fights it. Godzilla is burned by Hedorahs sludge and his hand almost melts off, but he manages to disable one of Hedorahs eyes and then, while it is on the ground, removes two white objects from its body and he destroys them. The weakened Hedorah tries to fly away, but Godzilla flies after him. Hedorah returns to land form, and is dragged back to an electric weapon by Godzilla. Godzilla activates the weapon and kills Hedorah. Godzilla then heads back to the sea. Godzilla vs. Gigan GVG - Godzilla On Monter IslandGodzilla in Godzilla vs. Gigan Godzilla is living on Monster Island along with Anguirus and a few other monsters that appear through stock footage in Godzilla vs. Gigan. Godzilla and Anguirus speak in human voices, speaking in speech bubbles in the Japanese version, and Godzilla tells Anguirus to check on something funny that is going on elsewhere. After Anguirus gets driven off by the military and returns to Monster Island, both he and Godzilla go to the city to fight Gigan and King Ghidorah. Gigan makes Godzilla and Anguirus bleed red blood. The M Space Hunter Nebula Aliens rig the Godzilla Tower to shoot a beam at Godzilla, but the tower is destroyed by the humans. Godzilla and Anguirus eventually drive off Gigan and King Ghidorah, saving the world. Godzilla vs. Megalon Godzilla vs. Megalon 11 - Tail SlideGodzilla in Godzilla vs. Megalon In Godzilla vs. Megalon, Godzilla teams up with Jet Jaguar to fight Megalon. Jet Jaguar is sent by Goro Ibuki to Monster Island to get Godzilla. Once they arrive to the small field, the Seatopians call the M Space Hunter Nebula Aliens to bring them Gigan and help Megalon. Gigan arrives and Jet Jaguar and Godzilla fight against Megalon and Gigan in an extended fight scene. After Gigan is driven off, Godzilla performs a drop kick on Megalon two times, defeating Megalon. Godzilla returns to Monster Island afterwards. Zone Fighter 1175309 510302549043903 2102498129 nGodzilla in Zone Fighter The Toho tokusatsu series Zone Fighter is notable in that it features Toho monsters from the films, such as Gigan, King Ghidorah and Godzilla. Produced in 1973, Toho has gone on record stating that the events depicted in the Zone Fighter television series are part of the Showa era, taking place between Godzilla vs. Megalon and Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla. Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla Img 492808 8619609 0Godzilla in Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla In Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla, it looks like Godzilla went back to his destructive way when he arose from a volcano, wreaking havoc and breaking Anguirus jaw. However, it turns out that the rampaging Godzilla is a fake Godzilla when the real Godzilla appears and breaks off a piece of the impostors skin, which revealed the space titanium underneath. MechaGodzilla sheds his costume and throws a barrage of attacks at Godzilla, forcing him to retreat. Godzilla goes back to Monster Island and gets struck by lightning during a thunderstorm. He comes back to rematch MechaGodzilla soon afterwards, this time with King Caesar as his ally. After a tense battle, Godzilla removes MechaGodzillas head and destroys it, returning to the sea soon after. Terror of MechaGodzilla Terrormecha8Godzilla in Terror of MechaGodzilla Godzilla appears late into Terror of MechaGodzilla, arriving to Tokyo to fight both Titanosaurus and the rebuilt MechaGodzilla on his own. Titanosaurus tail gusts are hard for Godzilla to overcome, but Titanosaurus gets distracted by the Supersonic Wave Oscillator. Godzilla fights MechaGodzilla in much the same way as the previous film, except this time MechaGodzillas head was not defeated so easily. When Godzilla ripped out MechaGodzillas head, MechaGodzilla seemed to have another, smaller, main head under it and continued attacking Godzilla. MechaGodzilla was stopped by Doctor Mafunes daughter sacrificing herself. Godzilla destroys the lifeless MechaGodzilla and then battles with the confused Titanosaurus. Soon, Titanosaurus falls into the sea after Godzilla shoots his atomic breath at him, and he is never seen again, meaning the Earth is safe once again. The final scene of Terror of MechaGodzilla depicted Godzilla wading off into the sea, not to be seen until his return in the Heisei series nine years later. Interestingly, this was not the final film of the Showa era in in-Universe chronology. Destroy All Monsters, which took place in 1999, was the last film chronologically in-Universe.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:43:14 +0000

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