(1st Thessalonians 4:2) For ye know what commandments we gave you - TopicsExpress


(1st Thessalonians 4:2) For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. - Here Paul is telling the Church at Thessalonica that they know what commandments he gave them from the Lord. The Epistles of Paul were to be passed around to the different churches. Basically, the same commandments he gave the Corinthians. (Women not to cut their hair, men not to have long hair, women to keep silent in the churches, the order of the Spiritual gifts, not to forbid anyone of speaking in tongues). In 1st Corinthians 5 he tells the church ‘let us therefore keep the feast’ here referencing to Passover. In Colossians 2 he is telling the church not to let anyone judge them in honor of God’s holy days. The basic commandments of not lying, stealing, etc. The instructions of communion. This is to honor Jesus’ death (not his birth). Jesus’ death didn’t happen (any time’ll do ye). Jesus died on Passover and that is when the communion is to be performed. Taking care of the elder women (only) if they have washed the saints feet and over 60. Any other thing he writes is the instructions from Jesus and the commandments of the Lord. - Receive a FREE CD message “2008 Forty Days of Teaching”. Request it here or message me privately.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:28:01 +0000

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