2 August 2014 PM Netanyahus Statement at the Defense Ministry - TopicsExpress


2 August 2014 PM Netanyahus Statement at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv (Communicated by the Prime Ministers Media Adviser) ================================================== Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, tonight (Saturday, 2 August), made the following statement at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv: Operation Protective Edge is continuing. The IDF is continuing to operate with full strength in order to complete the goals of the operation: The restoration of quiet and the restoration of security for a lengthy period for the citizens of Israel while inflicting significant damage on the terrorist infrastructures. At the same time, our forces are now completing the work of striking at and neutralizing the terrorist tunnels in the Gaza Strip. Dozens of tunnels have been neutralized so far. We are striking at the strategic network that Hamas has invested such great effort in over the years. These tunnels would have enabled Hamas to kidnap and murder civilians and IDF soldiers by launching simultaneous attacks from the many tunnels that penetrate our territory. So far the IDF has very significant achievements in the fighting. At the onset of the operation, our forces attacked and destroyed thousands of terrorist targets: Command centers, rocket arsenals and production facilities, launching areas, many hundreds of terrorists, etc. Our soldiers are showing extraordinary heroism. Their bravery has been shown in the IDFs very impressive and daring operations. This has been a complex operation, which is being carried out in urban areas, in tunnels, with new kinds of munitions, amidst considerable friction with a civilian population. I am proud of our soldiers and commanders who are working splendidly in this dangerous campaign. They are fighting with dedication, determination and a sense of mission that is without peer. I share the pain of the bereaved families and I send them both my condolences and those of the nation. They sacrificed what is most dear to them. Their sons fell in order to defend our country and our home. My heart and the heart of the entire nation goes out to all of them. I talk to them and I know their pain. I would like to express support to the family of 2nd-Lt. Hadar Goldin, who was abducted yesterday. I understand the family; their words have touched my heart and I will speak with them later this evening. The State of Israel will continue to do its utmost to bring home its MIAs. Citizens of Israel, the resilience that you are showing enables all of us to conduct the campaign sagaciously and responsibly in order to achieve the goals of the operation. I thank you for the unity, especially at this time. Cooperation between me and the Defense Minister and the Chief-of-Staff is tight and enables us to precisely plan and carry out the campaign. At the start of the operation we promised that we would restore quiet for the citizens of Israel and we will continue to act until this goal is achieved. This will take as much time as may be necessary; forces will be used accordingly. US and European support of the need to demilitarize the terrorist organizations is an important achievement for the State of Israel. It will strengthen our demand to link the rehabilitation and development of the Gaza Strip with its demilitarization from rockets, tunnels, etc. We regret every civilian who is hit inadvertently. We are enlisting the international community to support this goal of linking the rehabilitation and development of Gaza to its demilitarization but no less important – this may surprise many, but not us – is the unique link which has been forged with the states of the region. This as well is a very important asset for the State of Israel. With the cessation of the fighting and the conclusion of the campaign, this will open new possibilities for us. At this time it is clear what is happening here. Hamas wants the residents of Gaza to suffer and be hurt and thinks that the world will blame Israel for their suffering. There are many people in the world who understand exactly what Hamas is, the same organization that, together with Qatar, assured US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon regarding a ceasefire. It misled both of them. I welcome the clear and sharp statements by US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Kerry, who placed the direct responsibility for violating the ceasefire on Hamas, and for President Obamas remarks last night regarding Israels right to defend itself against rockets and tunnels. Similar voices have been heard from other important leaders around the world. But, unfortunately, there are other voices and to them I say: Terrorism has no borders. Today, it threatens the State of Israel. Tomorrow, it will threaten your countries. We are doing what we are doing in the face of this criminal aggression by the terrorist organizations against our citizens and soldiers, but what would you do? Will you stand alongside Israel, a democratic and moral state which is acting to defend its citizens or will you continue to stand opposed and take a forgiving stand in the face of a murderous terrorist organization that attacks our people and is brutal toward its own? Citizens of Israel, the IDF is acting and will continue to act until our mission is completed. After completing action the tunnels, the IDF will prepare for continued action, according to security needs and only according to security needs, until we achieve the goal of restoring quiet to you, citizens of Israel. Transcript of the Prime Minister’s responses to questions from journalists in English PM Netanyahu in response to a question on US-Israel relations during the operation: Well, first, let me make a general statement about our relationship with the United States. I think the United States has been terrific. I think its offered terrific support for Israel from the level of Ambassador Dan Shapiro. Ive always said hes a great ambassador, I say it again today. The just untiring efforts of Secretary Kerry with whom I speak several times a day in trying to help Israel and the efforts of President Obama who has made I think consistent statements about Israels right to defend itself, his statement yesterday against Hamas, his unequivocal stand with Israel on our right to defend ourselves against tunnels, against rockets and all the other terror instruments that Hamas is levelling at us. The United States has given us tremendous support, material support with Iron Dome, not only the one that we received, but now both houses of Congress with the support of the Administration have agreed to the request that I made for an additional 225 million dollars for additional Iron Dome protection. That is a lot of support and we deeply appreciate it and that is the substance of our relationship. Thats the tone of our relationship, which gets to the question of these reports that are not only of my conversation with Ambassador Shapiro but also with the President that are full of incorrections, full of distortions and are wrong both in tone and in substance. The right tone, the right substance is the support that we are getting as we speak from the United States of America, and I appreciate it deeply. PM Netanyahu in response to a question on Israel negotiating with Hamas: Well, I want to say something that I think is important because at 8 oclock yesterday, yesterday morning, Israel began honoring a 72-hour ceasefire, humanitarian ceasefire. It had been requested by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and by Secretary Kerry, it was based on specific assurances that were given by Qatar that all the Palestinian factions would honor or would hold their fire. Thats how we did this. Now, in direct violation of those assurances, at approximately 9:30 in the morning, our soldiers came under attack, and this was a pre-planned operation in southern Gaza in which a suicide bomber killed two of our soldiers and a third soldier, lieutenant Hadar Goldin, was abducted. So Hamas again deliberately and cynically violated commitments it made to the United Nations, to the Secretary of State of the United States. Hamas again showed its cruel eagerness to abuse Gazas civilians. Whos the humanitarian pause for? For them, for the people that Hamas is purportedly representing, it violates the humanitarian ceasefire that is supposed to serve them and would serve them. So it rejected a ceasefire that promised the Gazan people immediate relief. Hamas again mistakenly believes that the people of Israel do not have the will and determination to fight them, and Hamas again will learn the hard way that Israel will do whatever it must do to protect its people. I call on all responsible international leaders and decent people everywhere to stand with Israel now, stand with Israel as it confronts Hamas, stand with Israel as it defends against Hamass deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on our civilians, stand with Israel, a democracy fighting a ruthless terrorist organization committed to our destruction. There is only one place for decent civilized people to stand and thats to stand with Israel.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 22:37:23 +0000

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