2 Co: 4:8: We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we - TopicsExpress


2 Co: 4:8: We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; This is the life of an Apostle and with the comparison of many Christians in the first century. The question is how can we quantify the life of Christians today in this passage of scripture? Well, let us start with the life of Paul as he so eloquently stated in his letter to the Corinthians, we are troubled on every side; Paul was left for dead, cast into prison, beaten, he has been without food, shelter and clothing. Not only that, he had to deal with the false prophets, the phony Christians, those who caused strife and discord in the Church and as a leader, as an apostle and as a breath of fresh air of what a true believer and follower of Christ truly is, Paul was and is the epitome of a true believer! Yet, he had to face all sorts of problems spiritually, outwardly and inwardly there were struggles and distresses of many kinds. He said in 2 Corinthians 7:5: “For, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears.” Again I repeat Paul said, “without were fightings and within were fears.” As far as this, as we know Paul is famous for writing to Timothy his son in the Lord Jesus; 2 Timothy: 1:7: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Therefore, taking a page out of his own writing Paul has to stay encouraged under the Power of God to eradicate the fears that he may have had by saying, “yet not distressed!” Why be distressed when you have the Power of God to combat your fears! However, what kind of fear is Paul talking about? Now grant it, another word for fear told to Timothy is timidity, fearfulness or faithlessness, from the Greek word “deilia”. This is a different word from Paul’s fears which can be categorized as terror or fright from the Greek word “Phobos” where we get our English word phobia. Paul was afraid for his life and so were many other apostles and ministers of the fivefold and many believers that are different from being afraid to step out on faith or to not be faithless or timid as what Paul told Timothy! It is not weak to have fear for your life like if you are being chased by a wild animal or by a gunman without the protection or training to fight back yet, without panic! However, it is weak to be afraid to step out on faith to accomplish the things that God has for you to do in Jesus name. Nonetheless, with all of this fear Paul said, “Yet not distressed!” Today this is your Combat in Christ, “no matter what you are going through, hardships, trials or tribulations, sickness or health, lack of wealth or money and most importantly if you are afraid for your life the Lord Jesus Christ will provide a way of escape for you can bear it,” 1 Corinthians 10:13. He will not leave you distressed, so do not panic and continue to trust Him and believe His word for your life! What about the fighting’s from without? He was afflicted in many ways that was from the attacks of the false prophets, discords, strife, false teachings along with the tribulations of the attacks of the Devil which is a part of this trouble on every side! Paul even being perplexed, uncertain of needed support yet knowing that God had their back and will provide for all the support they needed why, some people in the Church will not support the truth and those who preach it and teach it! Therefore, Paul knowing God had his back to give him all the support he needed at the right time and the right place, like the old saying, “God may not come when you want Him but He is always on time,” he continued to trust in God! This is why Paul said, “but not in despair.” Today my friends this is your combat in Christ, “don’t be in despair because God and all that you need at the time you need it is on its way!” He will send the right people and the right support you need, help is on its way in whatever you stand in need of, I declare it and decree it for you in Jesus name…
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 11:55:21 +0000

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