2. Goji Berries Many people are just finding out how good goji - TopicsExpress


2. Goji Berries Many people are just finding out how good goji berries are for your overall feeling of well-being. You’ll want to find dried goji berries, and not simply rely on a juice or other product claiming to contain goji berries in it. They make a great snack to hold you over between meals, and when compared to drinking phony energy drinks, you can get actual energy from these, and also be introducing plenty of antioxidants into your system. Benefits Your immune system gets a dose of support when you eat a serving of goji berries, and you’ll also be helping yourself beat the onslaught of free radicals that occur as a result of a stressful environment and processed foods that don’t offer nutritional support to the body. The benefit that most of us would be interested in is the ability of goji berries to help us fight fatigue. It’s no wonder that our modern lifestyles have us burning the candle at both ends, and by eating a food like these berries you’ll be increasing the amount of time it takes you to wear out. Vitamin Breakdown per Ounce – Dried, the most commonly found version. Vitamin A – 170% of your daily value. Vitamin C – 20% not quite as good as an orange, but still good. Protein – 4g – a surprising amount of protein for a fruit. Get them here !
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 08:26:40 +0000

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