2 PETER 2;1-3 (1). But there were also false prophets among the - TopicsExpress


2 PETER 2;1-3 (1). But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. (2). Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. (3). In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. To lived our Christian life in this earth upon the righteousness of God. That Christ sacrifice His Life for us to cherish. There is no question about how a Christian should lived that is not been answer. Even professor, pastors, teachers, poet or a smartest person in this whole world that can explained to you how a Christian should lived. You will get a answer but it wont satisfied you. Dont waste your time or your money for something that will deceive you. It dont matter if your not educated. It dont matter if you cant read. As for God sees your heart and your ambitious for the truth. And your heart envy for knowing Christ. So you can lived that life has Christ promised you. Sacrifice yourself for something unusual, so that you will know and except the Holy Spirit. There is nothing, nor anybody that can detail the Bible for you to understand. Many Christian is misunderstood by how a Christian life should live. By just listening and heard from those who preach the word. Paul didnt pointed out what kind of teachers they are. Look around, we have the Pope, Pastors, Evangelist, Bishop, Doctors, etc. theyre teaching us the Word of God. For all of them there just like us. God forgive me if Im wrong. They have access to the Bible just like us. Even if they attend Bible schools and graduate with certification to become a Pastor. God dont categorise people by there earthly standards. Because Christ didnt died for those whom called themselves Christian. He died on the Cross so that anybody hear the Word of His Father and accept Him as Lord and Saviour shall saved. The Holy Spirit is not picky and is not favouritism to people. The only reason people treat those that told the Word of God with respect is how we position them. God forgive me if Im wrong. Why is going to church is our tradition. The church is the Body of Christ. And theres seven days of the week. And is only one day we go to church. So what you do in six days before going to church again. The church is where God childrens gather to give Praise and Worship God. But for you if you willing to understand the way of the Father thru His Son Jesus Christ. As of Christ to came in the low way in this earth and to claim His life so His Father can give us the Holy Spirit. With that Holy Spirit is going to help us understand the Bible. And learn the way of Christ which is the only way for us to the Father. I prefer myself to told by the Holy Spirit. Cause I believe for you to understand the ways of a Christian. And to lived the life of a Christian. Is having your own time to studied the Word of God. And start building your relationship with the Holy Spirit. So it dont matter who is your teacher or what religion your in. Youll always take your perspective out of what you believe is true. Everybody has its own way of living there life. People has different source of having things. Different ways to do things and expecting things. Some people they care more to others then to themselves. But whatever differences we all have. Theres only one foundation that we all form from. One believes, one congregation and one BIBLE that tells us the truth on how we lived as Christians. GOD the FATHER, JESUS CHRIST is our only way to the FATHER. As the HOLY SPIRIT is our only help. As Paul says, some teachers bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. Remember what the Bible said, nation will seek war to other nations, churchs versus churches, and familys against families. Its already here. And it says the Anti-Christ will come before those things happen. But all that, that doesnt mean is getting close to the end of the world. No! Is just reveiling to the world that JESUS CHRIST is the only way, the truth and the life. What ever you do!? What ever you seek for!? The true happiness is understanding the Word of GOD. And you will lived your life according what GOD promised us. The true freedom is in CHRIST JESUS. Because we and our world is JESUS footstool. 2 PETER 2;18,19 (18). For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. (19). They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.”
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:02:03 +0000

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