2 years ago today a madman ended the lives of two of my best - TopicsExpress


2 years ago today a madman ended the lives of two of my best friends at the Cafe Racer shootings. My compassion and thoughts of healing to the friends and families of all who lost their lives that day. But for me, today will not be defined by mourning and grief. It will not be defined by tragedy. Today will be defined by remembrance, joy and celebration for having known and shared time my friends. For the light and love they brought. For their kindness and generosity. For the lessons I learned from being in their presence. For buying me a drink with the last money in their pockets. For endless shoe repairs. For laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes. For the disagreements, which were few but had their purpose. For midnight strolls through the cities of the world talking about everything and nothing. For playing impromptu concerts together in the courtyard of our hostel in Lisbon. For Ferris Wheel rides at Coney Island, sleeping under the stars in Big Sur, PBR’s at Coyote Ugly, placid swims in lakes and river, Donner Pass, The Passion of the Sawfish and dusty philosophizing on the trails and pathways of the County Fair. For hundreds more memories I have and will recall like a sweet one savors in their mouth. For that lifetime of living we crammed into our time together. And for the music. The amazing music. Those glorious gifts of spirit you have added to the world. The hallelujahs shouted from the gutter, the sounds of imperfect angels. The bawdy yawp of excess, the beatitudes of temporal humanity, the chords of glorious chaos and the resonant harmony of your truths. Your bodies may no longer be with us, but you are here. You are a living thing. I miss you both so very much. I love you, my friends. Keep ringing that bell. See you all of a sudden.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 15:30:50 +0000

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