2 years ago today was the day my life changed! I had no idea what - TopicsExpress


2 years ago today was the day my life changed! I had no idea what was in store… I thought I needed a quick fix because the Department of Defense had gotten budget cuts, which meant my husband in the Army got a pay cut of $1500 a month. At the time, my oldest was 3 and my youngest was 1 and I didnt want to put them in day care and go to work as a Social Worker, simply to pay for that daycare and not help our financial situation at all! Months earlier, I had seen Jessicas pictures on FB and I asked her to call me. I listened to her for 45 minutes, hung up the phone and thought that was the biggest load of bs Id ever heard! Ha! I went on about my day. Then the pay cut happened and I was freaking out! I was still following Jessica and others on my FB and saw not only their results, but how successful they were, so I told her I wanted to at least try the wrap and if it worked for me, I knew it could work for others. She sent Jennifer to my house because she lived closer (I was in Hattiesburg at the time). Jen showed up with her mom and her 2 kids and they went in the playroom with my 2 while she wrapped me and we talked. I had no idea they had any other products than the wraps before Jen and I talked. I LOVED my results after only one wrap and I was interested in the other products! I had never been overweight, in fact, I was underweight most of my life and dealt with ridicule from that to the point of tears for a very long time and I was wondering how people would actually buy these wraps from me, a skinny girl. Well, what people couldnt see was the pooch my youngest had left behind. I couldnt work out because of my back and neck injuries and I thought I was stuck with it. After I took that wrap off, I was amazed! I called my husband and told him I was going to spend $99 and I was going to make money! Being the supportive husband that he is, even though we really didnt have extra money at the time, he told me to go for it! I got started right away! I was amazed at the other al natural products we had to offer! I have suffered with chronic pain since my back injury in 97 and my neck injury in 98 and I was immobile after 10 minutes on my feet. That pain and the loss of my ability to play sports and be an active person, affected my emotional state, etc over those years and it turned into Fibromyalgia. I also suffer from Interstitial Cystitis, which is a bladder disorder that caused pain to the point of tears almost every day. I have Migraines and at that point I felt like my eye ball was going to pop out of my head 5-7 times a week. I have Restless Leg Syndrome which drove me crazy at night. I have Insomnia, so Im used to 2-4 hours of sleep a night. I also get Panic Attacks about twice a year, where Brian ends up taking me to the ER in the middle of the night. Im a broken chick, or at least I used to be. By the time I had children we had special rules: no one could walk the baby to sleep because I want able to, you had to sit down to soothe, because thats the best I could do. I had gotten off all meds when I was pregnant and breastfeeding but got back on them by the time my youngest was 1. After talking to Jen about the supplements, I decided to bring them to my doctor. He was amazed at the products, the ingredients, and how they might help me! He told me to add Greens, Relief, and Confianza into my daily life and after being on the products for 2 months, I got off all prescription meds! I still have some pain, but I am able to be an active mother with my kids, I can stand for over 2 hours without looking for a place to sit! I went from migraines 5-7xs a week to maybe once a month! I have had only 1 bladder flare up in the past 2 years! My RLS is better thanks to the Relief! I still deal with the insomnia, but thats mostly because my kids dont sleep through the night! When that happens, Ill take New You! Ive tested the Confianza with my panic attacks and I didnt have to wake up my husband and I take it when I know Ill be in a stressful situation! These products have changed my life!!!!!!! I know what these products have done for me and I have the opportunity to share them with everyone! I absolutely love the Defining Gel and Fat Fighters, our Skin Care, etc…so many life changing products, youll have to try them for yourselves! Ok, so back to that pay cut. I needed $1500 a month. I scheduled 6 parties from MS to LA. Then a hurricane came and they all cancelled. I was scared to death about failing, but I knew my WHY was stronger than my want to QUIT. So, I got to work! I was able to get so many customers in my first year, that I nearly doubled that $1500 and had the highest personal volume in the state of Louisiana last year! I made enough money to not only make up for the pay cut, but pay for private school, vacations, etc! I havent given up and Ive had my struggles, but Ive pushed past them! I got my husband on the products (Greens, New You, ProFit) and he not only loves them, but he became a Distributor! Last August my father had a debilitating stroke. I went from working my business full force and staying home with my girls, to taking care of him 24/7. I was able to practically take off 6 months (working maybe 10 hrs a week) and still have enough residual income coming in that we were ok! I went to conference in January as an Executive (not where I wanted to be). I came home on fire after they announced they were bringing back the bonuses! My dad was living on his own by then, so I got to work! I helped my husband become Emerald and I got the $10,000 Diamond bonus! If I can do this, anyone can do this! Theres something we say in this company when you dont promote quickly, Chase the Bank, not the Rank and thats what I did my first year after all those parties cancelled and I didnt promote like I wanted to, but I found a way to make the money I needed! At the start of this year, I wanted more, so I went out and got it! Im making full time pay, staying home with my 2 gils, and Im heading to the top and I want to take everyone with me! I know what it takes to succeed in this company and I know what the products have done for my health and my way of life! I am so incredibly excited to have the opportunity to be able to do what I do every day, I and I wouldnt trade it for the world! Ive always known I was put on this earth to help people and I get to do just that every day of my life! My next goals are for me to get to Double Diamond and my husband to get to Diamond so that when he changes jobs, no matter what they offer him, well be more than ok financially! If you want to know more about the products or business opportunity, call me 504-232-0910! (pics are in the comments)
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:24:39 +0000

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