20 MARCH 2014 YOU ARE ONE WITH THE ONE “But he who is joined - TopicsExpress


20 MARCH 2014 YOU ARE ONE WITH THE ONE “But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him”. 1 Corinthians 6:17 (NKJV) The greatest blessing of the Gospel is our oneness with Christ for it is from this blessing that every other blessing is derived. It is due to this inseparable union that we are made righteous and have our inheritance (Titus 3:7). It is equally because of this union that we are sons of God. The extent to which there is lack, need or deficiency in your life is the same extent to which you have failed to acknowledge your union with Christ for there is no lack, need, or deficiency in Him. In Him is the fullness of the Godhead and in Him are you complete (Col 2:910) Man is the only creation with the capacity to be indwelt by God. Man was essentially created for union with God. Man is not a man until he has experience union with God. The word “joined” is derived from the Greek word “HEIS” which means “causing one to derive all that is in another”. This union is not a static union to only imply our reconciliation. There are five key terms that can be used to explain the significance of your union with Christ. The first description of your union with Christ is LOCATION. To be one with Christ means you live in Him (Act 17:28, Col 3:3, Rom 8:9). Everything that is the sphere of Christ has become your habitat. You live in the one who is the Lord of Lords and lives in approachable light. Christ is the description of your address. You are living in the description of your address. You are living in the realm of God within the sphere of His rule. The second description of your union is called IDENTIFICATION (1 John 4:17). You do not have to generate your own identity from what you do for your identity is derived from Christ. As He is now in His present day of glory, so are you in this world. Christ is in this world because you are in this world. The third description of your union with Christ is REPRESENTATION (Col 1:22). Christ presents all that He is in the sight of the Father as you. So through the representation of Christ, when the Father looks at you He sees what Christ is representing before His sight. By virtue of this representation, you are holy, unblamable and unreproachable. Jesus Christ is your. Jesus Christ is God’s opinion of God. The forth description of your union with Christ is PARTICIPATION (Heb 3:14). Christianity is not imitation of Christ but the participation of Christ. You have union with Christ but there has to be a communion to partake of the union; to partake of all that God has provided in Christ. The fifth description of your union with Christ is INCORPORATION (Eph 1: 22-23). You are the flesh and bone of Christ; His instrument on earth. He is not just joined to you to be a passive resident. Your hands are His hands. He wants to use you to touch live, bless people, and heal people because you are His extension. Do not merely see yourself but acknowledge your union with Him, and see yourself as the living extension of the Lord Jesus Christ in the world. He is living in you and wants to operate through you to be a blessing to this world. CONFESSION OF FAITH Gracious Father, thank you for my location, identification, representation, participation, and incorporation in Christ. Thank you for these blessings of the Gospel. I will live each day with an ever growing consciousness that I am one with One Christ Jesus. AMEN THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Your union with Christ is the greatest blessing of the Gospel. THE WORD OF GOD IS THE POWER OF GOD ON TO SALVATION OF ALL MEN. BLESSED WITH ALL BLESSINGS IN CHRIST…
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:51:05 +0000

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