20 THINGS AN INTERNATIONAL HOSTIE WOULD NEVER SAY: 1. “If you get bored press your call bell and I’ll drop everything and run!” 2. “I don’t mind being touched, so next time you want something don’t ask, just grab me on the butt like you did last time.” 3. “Please come into the galley where you can practice your yoga and exercises the whole flight” 4. “Sure, I’m happy to upgrade you for no reason what-so-ever.” 5.“I’m so-o over Paris! (or New York, Rome, Sydney, Hong Kong, London, etc.) 6. “Jetlag doesn’t affect me at all!” 7. “Who cares that the sales are on because I’m all shopped-out anyway.” 8. “Sure, just leave the used sick bag on the galley bench.” 9. “I know it’s my job to clean the aircraft toilets, but it is something I really enjoy.” 10. “I wish I had the pilots’ fashion-sense.” 11. “I love a 14 hour flight time because it gives me more time to get to know the passengers.” 12. “Only the one glass of wine please, I am trying to act more responsibly.” 13. “A three hour delay on the ground, with a plane full of angry passengers – yippee!” 14. “The more demanding the passengers, the more excited I am by the challenge.” 15. “Five bags full of house-bricks, sure, I’d be happy to lift those up into the overhead locker for you.” 16. “I really meant it when I said in the interview that the sole reason to be an International Flight Attendant was because I love interacting with people.” 17. "I don’t care if our company downgrades our hotels because I can sleep anywhere.” 18. “I love being yelled at by passengers.” 19. “Free French champagne? No thanks. 20. “A-ah, who needs sleep anyway!”
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 10:33:04 +0000

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