20130913人間菩提 ~民胞物與‧慎於防颱Protecting Our - TopicsExpress


20130913人間菩提 ~民胞物與‧慎於防颱Protecting Our Trees daai.tv/2011web/master/content.php?u=6-2&cy=2013-09-13&m=09&d=13 長這麼大心裡很高興,人家要蓋房子,這顆樹要被砍掉,我跟我兒子把它挖起來,跟我兒子扛來這裡種,這一顆就是櫸木,那個是黃蓮木,這個是肉桂樹,這一顆是五葉松,位置不錯,你要好好活下去。 “It’s grown so tall. I’m very happy. When the tree was about to be chopped down, my son and I dug it out and replanted it here.” “This is a beech tree. Over there is a Chinese pistache. Here are cassia and Taiwan white pine.” “This is a nice spot. May you grow tall and strong.” 人一念心可以破壞大地,也是一念心可以保護大地,這種大地的樹,我們常常都在說,這個樹木為大地,保護大地也庇蔭了大地,同時供應人類很好的生活,不管是空氣或者是保護大地等等,提供給人類的好處多多。 People can do harm to the environment but they can also protect it. Take trees for example. We all know that trees are beneficial to our environment and also help to better people’s lives because they provide us with fresh air, help to conserve soil, etc. Trees truly benefit people in many ways. 看到了臺中這一顆大樹,是在慈濟臺中分會,離不遠的地方,有的時候從那裡經過,都不由得不讚歎一聲,哇!這顆茄苳樹很健壯,真的很雄偉,庇蔭出去,下面有一個廟平常很多人都去燒香,燒金紙、拜拜。 Not far away from our office in Taichung, there’s a big autumn maple tree. Every time I go to Taichung and pass by the tree, I can’t help but exclaim: “Wow! This autumn maple tree is so big and lush”. It is truly very big and has a dense canopy. Under the tree is a shrine. Many people often went there to pray and burn paper money. 在七月間,我行腳在臺中,就有一位何局長,他為了這一顆茄苳樹很憂心,他就來跟我談,他說:「現在很擔心就是這棵樹,因為有這樣的建商,將這片地都買了,要在這個地方蓋大樓,所以大家為這棵樹,都是很擔心。」很多人都要保護它,現在看到的,真的是很好的結果,企業家、包商他也已經體會到. During my trip in Taichung this July, I met with Mr. Ho, then-director-general of Urban Development Bureau in Taichung. He told me that he was very worried about the tree because a construction company was going to construct a tall building near the tree and many locals were worried that the construction would affect the tree. So, they wanted to protect it. Fortunately, things turned out well in the end. Learning of the locals concern, the construction company aborted the project. 也接受到很多人的反應,就是當地社區,為了要保護這一顆樹,百多年的這一個廟,他們也願意把它封爐,就是不再這裡燒金紙了,就是這樣的,用這一種的誠懇的心,不要為了求自己的利益,而迷信地燒金紙,就是為了要保護這一棵樹。還有,很多人都是用和平的,理智地溝通反應,終於包商願意放棄商機,轉為生機,這總是理智的,而且是智慧的。 To protect the tree, people at the 100 plus-year-old shrine under the tree even seated their furnace to stop the practice of burning paper money there. This is how sincere people are to protect the tree. Instead of burning paper money to pray for blessings for themselves, they sealed the furnace to protect the tree. And see how the construction company agreed to abort the project after the locals expressed their concern in a peaceful manner. Such a decision is truly sensible and wise. 也看到,不只是臺灣,我們從「九二一」那個時候,蓋了五十一所的學校,每一所學校我們都是很用心,建築物閃避過樹。我們這裡有很多的老樹,這些老樹都保留,尤其,我們的建築,全部把老樹保留,而且慈濟所建的,有一個特色就是讓我們的房子在樹旁邊長出來。 In fact, after the 921 earthquake in Taiwan, we helped rebuild 51 schools, and for every school that we rebuilt, we were very mindful in designing buildings around trees in order to preserve them. “There are many old trees here. When the school was rebuilt, we kept them all. Tzu Chi also paid much attention to constructing buildings around the trees” 這個芒果樹也都很久了,有剛才那個光臘樹,森氏紅淡比,像這些都是很久的樹,我們也是希望這些都能保留,結果,慈濟建的就是把它保留,為了這棵森氏紅淡比,特地這一棟建成這樣,給它一個空間,就是留下這樹的空間,剛好在我們在庭院的中間。 “The mango trees are very old. There are also Formosan Ash and Mori’s Cleyera. They’re all very old trees. We wanted to keep them, and Tzu Chi did just that” “To skirt around this Mori’s Cleyera, we constructed the building like this so that the tree can be right in the middle of the courtyard.” 所以,我們在為他們,重畫建築的,我們都是很用心,不只是在臺灣,就是在大陸也是一樣,那兩棵的銀杏樹,幾次,雖然我都沒有去,不過看他們的圖,拿回來看啊看,建築物在哪裡,哪裡有幾棵樹,我們都是很強烈的,不斷地向他提起,不要傷到。 See how mindfully we constructed the buildings so that trees would not be harmed. We did this, too, when we rebuilt schools in China. In one school, there are two gingko trees. Although I have never visited the school, I studied the blueprint they showed me, so I know where the planned buildings and the trees are. We strongly suggested to the school to keep the trees and not harm them in any way. 可以把建築物退讓,不要傷到這兩棵樹,為了保護這兩棵古的銀杏樹,我們的設計改了很多次,如果按我以前的想法,是不會那樣做的,所以我在這個過程中,我也認識到了,要保護我們這個環境,學生現在也是非常愛護,我們這兩棵鎮校之樹,銀杏樹。 We even modified the blueprint in order to keep the two ginkgo trees. “To protect these two old ginkgo trees, we modified the blueprint many times I wouldn’t have done this in the past. I’ve learned that we must protect the environment. Our students also take good care of these two school trees.” 還有像那一棵茄苳樹,也千年多了,你看,千年的大樹,幾百年的大樹,我們人假如用心保護著它,它也可以成為這個市區的美談,也是佳話,在那樣的學校,也可以成為他們學校的地標,因為我們人愛它、護它,所以大家來重視它,這都是真的是一種,人生和天地之間萬物和平共處。 The autumn maple tree in Taichung I mentioned earlier is over 1,000 years old. For old trees like these, if everyone can mindfully protect them, they’ll become valuable assets of communities or landmark trees in schools. So, we should love, protect and value trees. This is how we can live in peace with Mother Nature and everything around us. 人生,生命有多長,不知道,總是生命無常,可是大樹它可以千年、百年,可以庇蔭大地,我們人生的短短幾十年的生命,尤其是生命何其短。 In life, we don’t know how long we can live as life is unpredictable. Trees can live for hundreds or even thousands of years to provide shade for people, but people can only live for a few decades. Compared to trees, people live a short life. 真的實在是要留也留不住。所以,這也都是要如何用智慧,來應用我們的生命,我們健康的時候,應該要為社會、人與人之間如何創造和平共處。 We have to leave this world when our time comes. So, we need to make good use of our lives with wisdom. When we are healthy and able, we should work to bring about harmony in society and live in peace with one another. 我想這是很重要的,當然需要智慧,少了那一分的智慧,那就會多了無量數的煩惱、貪念,貪、瞋、癡,那就造成了社會、國家、人民的這種的家庭、生命,都是操在這麼的少數人的心態。 This is very important. To do that, we need wisdom. Without wisdom, we’ll give rise to many afflictions, desires and ignorance. When a few people are like that they’ll bring turmoil to society and affect the majority of people in a country. 這幾天心也都是為菲律賓在操心,因為菲律賓反判軍與政府還在對峙中,再這樣的延續下去,在運動場也成為收容所,裡面的生活等等、缺糧等,慈濟人在那裡,也要去收集了食物等等,透過了政府送到了收容所去。 Recently, I’ve been worrying about the people in the Philippines as the Muslims rebels are still in a standoff with government troops. So many people have taken refuge in temporary shelters and are in need of food and supplies. Therefore, Tzu Chi volunteers have prepared food, supplies, etc. for the military to deliver them to the shelters. 真的是平平安安的日子,變成了現在被挾持的人,家屬的擔心,生命不知道能不能安全度過,這都未知數。還有,在海面上現在有一個颱風----萬宜,雖然它是輕颱,雖然它現在方向說是往日本,但是在兩千多公里的方向,差之毫釐。 There are also people being held hostage by the rebels. Their families are very worried and we don’t know whether they can remain unharmed. All this is yet unknown. Also, a tropical storm, Man-yi, has formed over the ocean. Even though it is not a typhoon and is expected to head toward Japan, we’re not sure where it will be moving as it is still very far away from Taiwan. 所以我們一定在臺灣,也希望人人提高警覺,做好防颱準備,這樣子比較安全,上一次的那一個颱風,雖然也說是輕颱,不大要緊,都沒有做防患準備,所以也帶來了臺灣南部,都有那樣的水患,所以我們時時刻刻,都要提高警覺,要做最好的防備。 So, we must heighten our vigilance and take precautions against the storm. It’s safer that way. Last time, when Tropical Storm Kong-Rey passed by Taiwan, many people didn’t take it seriously and weren’t prepared. But look at the severe flooding that the storm had caused in southern Taiwan. So, we must be vigilant and make the best preparations at all times.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 07:53:52 +0000

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