2014 Reaper’s Revenge Update Reaper’s Revenge Haunted Hayride - TopicsExpress


2014 Reaper’s Revenge Update Reaper’s Revenge Haunted Hayride has evolved over the past six years to one of the most popular attractions in the tri-state area. The growth and evolution of Reaper’s Revenge can be attributed to a creative, dedicated staff whom are committed to providing their customers with a diverse, and entertaining haunted attraction experience. Over the past two years, we have had the opportunity to meet the management and staff of Reaper’s Revenge, and have been provided a “behind the scenes” look of how the attraction operates. This year we were able to visit Reaper’s Revenge, while in operation, and again went through all four attractions which were as always entertaining. After our visit through the attraction, we received a tour of Sector 13, and had the opportunity to watch the actors “scare” the guests as they made their way through the attraction. We spent the rest of the evening with the management and staff of Reaper’s Revenge, discussing how the attraction was operated, plans for the future, and the year-round creative process. Reaper’s Revenge Haunted attraction is overall one of the best haunted attractions we have ever visited, and our personal favorite. What we learned most from our time visiting Reaper’s Revenge is that their success, and rapid growth can be attributed to the dedication and passion of the management and staff. Attraction Design Six years ago, Reaper’s Revenge opened as a Hayride and Pitch Black attraction which was only staffed by thirty five actors. Five years later, the attraction now has over ninety actors each night who are committed to providing an excellent haunt experience for each customer. The staff of Reaper’s Revenge is very open to feedback, and use feedback to improve the overall experience. For example, we noticed that the actors have become more intense, since our first visit this year, and this intensity can be attributed to quality training, feedback and practice. There is a family like atmosphere amongst the staff, as each actor or staff member supports the other. After a long night of haunting, eighty tractors of screaming guests and extremely cold temperatures, the staff of the attraction came together for a voluntary post-haunt meeting. This meeting around the bonfire, is voluntary and from what we could tell was attended by a majority of the staff, actors and management. This meeting allowed the actors and staff to inform management of any issues, highlight each other’s strengths and discuss solutions for any issues which may have occurred during the night (for example: one guest ran through a tin wall in fear during Sector 13). The environment is supportive and each actor/staff member was allowed to voice their concerns or opinions. The management also took the time to thank the staff, provide words of encouragement, celebrate a birthday and provide nightly award plaques to the “actors of the night”. This whole post-show experience, allowed for us to understand and appreciate the familial, collaborative environment which encourages excellence. It was incredible to see how many staff members stayed after a long night to bond, laugh, and engage in discussions which were focused on helping the attraction continue to improve. This collaborative environment encourages participation, provides staff support and provides the forum for each staff member to participate in the creative process. The structural design of each attraction provides the perfect backdrop for the talent actors to engage guests in a diverse haunted attraction experience. There is extensive planning and deep thought put into each scene or set found throughout the attraction and there is a great deal of technical design which cannot typically be seen. Each scene or set is designed to immerse the guest in each set experience, for example the Lost Carnival attraction includes real formally functioning rides, a walk-through a new extension to the fun-house, and a soundtrack which aids in the creation of a twisted haunted carnival experience. The sets are custom built, and the rides themselves were once fully functional. The level of set detail is impressive, yet some of the most impressive work is unseen. From the safety measures put in place, to the electrical and structural designs, there is a great deal of work, and cost put into each scene/attraction at Reaper’s Revenge. The staff and management of the attraction also shared some stories regarding their inspiration behind how the attraction is designed, expansion of the attraction, addition of new tractors to handle large lines and how they are working to augment their marketing efforts. Over the summer, we were able to visit Reaper’s Revenge during the construction of the new Sector 13 attraction. Sector 13 is a custom built structure, the imposing front wall of the attraction is separate from the internal maze and it is an intense haunted experience. The development of Sector 13 involved an extensive creative planning process, in which the management discussed, debated and created every aspect of Sector 13 over the past year. We saw the original model of the attraction, and were told how there were creative debates regarding the name of the attraction, the story and certain “scares” which are found throughout the attraction. This collaborative creative environment resulted in what can be visited today, a very unique custom built facility. We received a view from catwalks while the attraction was in operation, were able to watch how the actors controlled each room from above, and how the viewpoint of Sector 13 could also be used to provide scares to those who are waiting in line. Security cameras throughout the attraction also provided a look at how each guest reacted to the various scares found throughout Sector 13, and this visual information can give staff and management an idea of the success of each scare. Sector 13 has also added several new props which add to the experience, and enhance such scenes as the containment unit. We were told next year they look to improve the l of each scene, including manipulation of temperature, and lengthen the attraction. The Final Word Reaper’s Revenge Haunted Hayride is committed to improving each year, and has a staff which is creative, and technically skilled. They are focused on growth, and several future plans were outlined. While they cannot be discussed in detail at this point, they involve improvements to each of the four attractions including new scenes and improvements to the hayride attraction, extension of Pitch Black and continued expansion of Sector 13. Reaper’s Revenge’s staff, actors and management are not complacent, and are focused on continuous improvement/growth. The tentative details we received our exciting, as the attraction continues to evolve into a major mainstream haunt. The attraction is open to feedback, encourages other haunters to visit the attraction and works throughout the year to create, build and improve. It is also important to note that Reaper’s Revenge Haunted Hayride supports a variety of charities and is a positive influence in the Scranton area. Reaper’s Revenge Haunted Hayride is one of the best haunted attractions you can visit this season and the best value for the price.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:27:58 +0000

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