2014 has brought some great times and some very sad and troubled - TopicsExpress


2014 has brought some great times and some very sad and troubled times. I have watched my little girl grow and grow, and become more adorable and affectionate. She has been an absolute blast even at her worst. I have gotten closer to my lovely wife Stephanie Rhyne through all of our struggles and fights and great times. I thank God for these two everyday and vow to never take them for granted. I have been able to grow closer to pretty much all of my family, and I have held a steady and sound job for the past 2 years that has been amazing for my family. It has brought me some of the best moments in tv shows, times that left me laughing and times that left my jaw on the floor. Arrow and flash have been amazing, gotham the same. I have found new shows in breaking bad, the walking dead and now boardwalk empire. 2013 has brought me closer to my friends and helped strengthen those relationships again. It has also given me a wake up call and allowed me to realize that I may have thought I was close to God but I couldnt be more wrong. My 2015 goal is to become the Christian God wants me to be, the husband my wife needs and deserves and the father thay my little girl will be proud of. 2014 for the most part will end the last say with mixed feelings. Today I experienced something I always heard about but never had to experience. Prayers go out to a person and their family. I may not know them well but this person has had an influence on me in the shirt time I have known them. Tonight will end on somewhat of a better note as I have gotten to take my lovely wife out to diner and now to watch the new night at the museum movie. The only downfall to tonight is I wont be with my little girl, but its ok because she is with loved ones and I know she is safe. I will end the he night with playing injustice gods among us with my wife and likely be in bed before midnight as always ikm just thankful Im not sick this year. Everyone stay safe and enjoy your family, enjoy the small things. God bless and have a great night and lets all altar 2015 safe and healthy.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:26:28 +0000

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