2015 ELECTIONS IN NIGER STATE I have tried and work hard not to - TopicsExpress


2015 ELECTIONS IN NIGER STATE I have tried and work hard not to get involved in this debate, and I have also found out the more I try to avoid it, it keeps resurfacing were I least expect it. Without a doubt I am part of those who feel that generally that the people of Niger state have not enjoyed basic minimum dividend of democracy more than fifteen years to the return of this democratic dispensation. Our resources have not been utilized to the good of the majority, mediocrity has been entrenched to a level never seen before, while for the first eight years it was about feeding the political machine and political class across board meaning across the three geopolitical zones without satiation, the second eight years has been more less a nightmare to the populace because of the high expectations which was placed on it considering the pedigree of the Governor and his political appointees being technocrats and accomplished individuals from diverse field of endeavour, to think that the civil service in the state is in a situation where professionalism and meritocracy is sacrificed to political brigandage is the least expected of a technocrat who had rose to the position of Federal Permanent Secretary in Nigeria. So it is with this poor record of achievement from a generation of those to whom politics is the only way of survival, they feed and depend only on political largesse in their lives, to them everyone and the state is of no value if their pockets and their cronies are filled up, they care not about the roads, schools, healthcare and the populace, they grand stand and show off at any slight opportunity, to the present generation of so many ideas with little implementation, a generation filled with technocrats in quote which has successfully created a large gap and separation with the people, what they see and how they see seems to be totally different and at variance with the people of Niger state. In this period of uncertainty and trying times that the people of Niger State find themselves again at the cross road with the forthcoming 2015 elections across the corner. The die for now is cast with the main and regular bigwigs in the state trying to outmanoeuvre each other in the race to who occupy the number one position in Niger State. It is a political battle between the ruling PDP and a conglomerate of opposition fused in the APC much of whom have their political roots from the PDP. Both parties have chosen candidates from Zone C (Niger North) and clearly seems disposed to choosing the running mates from Zone A (Niger South). Both gubernatorial candidates are from Kontagora emirate, and are progenies of retired military officers that have for long been in the centre of shaping the direction and political fortunes in Niger State directly or indirectly. While Umar Muhammad Nasko in my opinion is a career politician who has served in the last eight years as a Commissioner, Special Adviser and Chief of Staff to the governor until recently is the PDP candidate with the support of the incumbent governor and the PDP, he has his work cut out by Abubakar Sani Bello a career and thorough breed business mogul who was once a Commissioner in the first tenure of the present administration but left the office according to him to concentrate more on his personal and business commitment, a view many have said there more to see than the eye. Abubakar Sani Bello comes into the race with the support of those who oppose the PDP administration and probably his greatest support base is his father Col. Sani Bello rtd. and his in-law General Abdulsalam Abubakar former Head of State who has never shied away in getting directly involved in relating with governments in Niger State. While Umar Nasko can rely on those who are presently benefitting from this administration and who certainly want to maintain status quo, Abubakar Bello seems to have been encircled by mostly politicians that enjoyed the largesse of the Engr. Abdulkadir Kure administration whom had fallen out or better say lost out in the political space in the last eight years and a few of those whom have tried to break into the ruling class but were denied access by the current political leadership in the state. For the candidates, I really do not understand what Umar Nasko campaign team means by continuity in the pursuit of his ambition, continuity of what or continuity for who, one would have thought Umar Nasko would try to create his own niche rather than rely on an image that for seven years plus have continued trying to identify itself, this probably has contributed immensely in the general belief that he is only a proxy and Talba would continue to act as de facto governor after May 2015. Secondly with banners all over Minna and across the state and branded vehicles of Umar Nasko, more than any other contestant in the race, one cannot but begin to wonder and ponder if the financial account of Niger State is not being milked to oil this campaign which negates the principle of decorum and decency, so much seems to be going into the campaign of Umar Nasko which is what I term as political investment which surely would have to be recouped one way or the other, one begins to think whether this political investors would ever allow him settle down to face the challenge of governance if elected into office. The advertorial on him on television exposes him and his team of strategist of poor judgment and of not understanding the dynamics and mood of the people of Niger State. The mantra of the advert is archaic, giving reference to the age of past governors indicate that those behind the advert are not conscious of these men in life, it is not the age that gave them leadership but rather it was proven track record of leadership qualities, ability to motivate, ability to mobilize, to withstand pressure, to rise and give voice to the oppressed despite the overwhelming odds, the physical and mental capacity to take and make decision on difficult and sensitive matters, value judgment, foresight, risk and crises management, oratory and conceptual skills among others. It is not enough to say that because they did it you can also do it, they were each individual that strived to attained greatness in their various communities, the least we expect from Umar Nasko is to show us that he has these traits of greatness in him and it is these valid questions the people are asking and which the Umar Nasko team have so far fail to give convincing answers to. For the constitution is clear regarding age limit and educational requirement, Umar Nasko cannot be disqualified on that basis, he is eminently qualified to do so but he must convince Nigerlites of his independence and his leadership characteristics for him to sell himself and succeed come 2015. Sitting inside Minna and assuming the boot lickers that are paying homage to congratulate him or to declare support for his ambition in other to get their own share of the PDP and by extension the government booty implies he has wide appeal and acceptability would not only be shallow but a form of self deceit as he would come to see. For Abubakar Sani Bello, it is not enough for him to hold on to the mantra of change to think everybody would just fall for it, because there is great discontent for the PDP in the state does not give him free ride to victory, neither would the Buhari or APC factor coast him to victory, yes the Buhari factor is there but it has limits as far as our local politics is involved, it would do a great benefit to Abubakar Bello team to understudy the election of 2007 between Mu`azu Babangida Aliyu (PDP) and David Umaru (ANPP) and 2011 between Mu`azu Babangida Aliyu (PDP) and Bako Shettima (CPC), to really understand that the Buhari phenomena has its limitations. Dashing in and out of the state in the manner he is going would certainly not help him despite the assuming and smiling posters of him across the state and relying on politicians that have outlived their relevance. The fact that he is surrounded by politicians who are themselves no saints, people who in the past have shown themselves to be morally and financially bankrupt surely pose a credibility question on his head, their presence in his team cannot just be wished away. Again, the reality on ground is Abubakar Sani Bello is a business man; he is magnanimous yes, what are his agenda? And how does he intend to govern are some question begging for answers, Nigerlites are not ready and willing to accept the irresponsibility of a governor who spends most of his time tending to his personal business while the state suffer, Nigerlites are not going to accept a Saminu Turaki or Abdulazeez Yari style of governance who literally govern away from their state. The question is what guarantees is Abubakar Sani Bello giving that he would not be globetrotting to sustain his business if he is giving the mandate to lead. What assurance do we have that as governor, resources of the state would not be converted for personal use and for the projection of family interest and investment to the detriment of the state and its populace, for example would the state bear the burden of personal business expeditions of the governor and his lieutenants and how does he intend to separate public from private engagements? There has been a lot of fuss about who becomes the next governor of Niger State, but regrettably it seems the politics involved is all about aspirations of those involved, I am not a political scientist but I do know that politicians meet the people and parties produce manifestos, for I do not know but the major players in the race Umar Nasko and Abubakar Sani Bello have not addressed the populace on issues regarding were the state is coming from, were the state is and more importantly how they intend to move the state forward. None of them has come out with a clear cut agenda on what they intend to prioritized and indeed how they intend to achieve their goals and targe
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:26:14 +0000

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