2015 has 365 days of opportunity. Thats 365 days to chase, cease - TopicsExpress


2015 has 365 days of opportunity. Thats 365 days to chase, cease and celebrate what God has in store for you. To someone who has big goals for Gods kingdom that is a short amount of time. If you have no goals, this time will drag by or pass by with nothing to celebrate at its end. Do not waste a single moment of this year. There are lives to be reached, wounds to be mended, communities to be cared for, hungry to be fed, poor to be encouraged and lost to be saved. What goals do you have as a servant of God? Who will you help? How many will you invite, call or pray for? How many will you encourage, clothe, feed, or share Jesus with? Its not about a contest, but it is about content. What will your 2015 be full of? You only have a small amount of TIME so use it wisely by: T= Teaming up with others- when your goals line up with the efforts of others you will find greater success. Find people who seek the same things as you and team up together. We are better together, its a Biblical truth. Partner with those who seek the same or similar goals as you and push you to achieve them. You can never soar with eagles if you circle with buzzards. Look for those who seek to go higher, push harder and get stronger instead of those who may be content with mediocrity and apathy. I= Intentionally Living - yes, it is true that we have little control over life, but that doesnt mean we wander aimlessly through it waiting for the next event. We must attack each day as an opportunity to accomplish our goals. Plan well and then execute. If results are lackluster, change the plan. Plans are nothing more than intentional living that have trackable results. Plans may not always protect us from being unsuccessful, but they keep us from being wasteful. M= Mutually Committing- both God and man have created partnerships with you. They are called relationships. Be mutually committed to those relationships. Give love as you have received it. Give grace as it has been given. Give encouragement, hope and blessings as you have received them to God, family, friends and those you havent met. Be a giver and not a taker. One thing is certain, every second you spend giving to someone else is a second that will never be wasted. Dont take anything or anyone for granted this year. E=Evaluating constantly- evaluation is crucial to achieving goals. When we stop evaluating, measuring and weighing results we revert back to the same old ways of passing the time. Without evaluation we can never fail, but we cannot achieve great things either. The best teachers in school were the ones who pushed us the most and graded us the hardest. Dont run from evaluation, it is a gift that helps us achieve goals that we once thought impossible. The clock has started ticking on 2015 already. Are you going to waste time this year? Today is a great day to set goals, develop a plan and seek those that will challenge you to grow. Its also a great time to recognize those you need to be mutually committed to loving, helping, encouraging and supporting. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19 NLT)
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:12:13 +0000

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