21 Ropes that hold the mind May 7, 2013 at 10:07pm 21 Ropes that - TopicsExpress


21 Ropes that hold the mind May 7, 2013 at 10:07pm 21 Ropes that Hold the Mind Awakening is to be free of the mind. These 21 points are like ropes holding up the mind. As long as the self is in tact, you are lacking all 21 conditions. As you become aware of each point, the ropes are being cut, making the self dissolve quickly. Because they are conditions of the mind, there is nothing you can do to change them. You must pray for the grace to see what you truly are, see that you do not have these qualities, practice them externally in daily life and ask Sri AmmaBhagavan to give them to you. For all 21 points there are 3 ways to help you grow. Practice these conditions externally in your daily life where ever possible. Become aware that you do not have these qualities. Only then is there a possibility of getting them. Pray and ask AmmaBhagavan / Your Divine to give you these qualities. (Prayer would be answered only when you have a bond with the Divine. When you have a bond you can say, I want this state please give it to me. and it will be given.) The 21 Conditions 1. Lack of Passion There is a difference between passion and desire: A desire can be dropped, but passion cannot. You live to have a passion realized. You cannot get rid of a passion,no matter how hard you try. Your focus is like an arrow. Desire can turn into passion if you know the gravity and need for it. To have passion for awakening, you must first understand that you are suffering. You must understand You are suffering if there is a sense of me and anything that is not me. The three types of suffering are: 1. Physical - When needs of the body are not met, you will have physical suffering. (food, clothing, shelter, disease) 2. Psychological - As long as you have the mind, you will have psychological suffering. Nature of psychological suffering is not bad or wrong. In psychological suffering you suffer but think the other causes it. The mind is never satisfied. When any of the 6 needs of the mind are denied you will have psychological suffering. Needs of the Mind: Certainty Variety Significance Need to be loved, to love Growth Contribution Are you seeking awakening to escape these needs? If there is a mind these needs apply. These 6 Roots can be managed. 3. Spiritual Suffering - Absolute Disconnection - To exist is suffering. Suffering without any reason. The sense of separation is this suffering. All suffering is only coming from spiritual suffering. Its an alienation between man and man, man and himself, man and God. The equation for suffering is: Spiritual + psychological + physical = constant Suffering in you is a constant. There is a built in mechanism, when any one type of suffering becomes unbearable it becomes another type of suffering. Physical is the least difficult to experience. Existential tries to translate into Psychological and Physical because it is so hard to experience existential suffering. A person will hurt them self when psychological suffering is too much because physical suffering is easier to experience. All physical and psychological suffering is a creation of our own mind unable to experience existential suffering. The constant is dependent on the amount of separation one experiences in their life at any given time. The constant depends on the alienation one is having with man or God. As you become closer to God the constant reduces. Awakening is to bring that constant to zero. With Awakening there is no more personal suffering. When separation is gone, there is No existential suffering. When we feel separate again, the moment alienation occurs, existential suffering begins and => physical and psychological suffering. Be Authentic - When you see you don’t have feeling to Awaken only desperation to get out of suffering, be honest => Passion Become aware how you lack passion 2. Lack of Forgiveness Most of us lack forgiveness. We hold back some hurt because of the mind. Holding back hurt in you is a real torture. Waiting for someone outside to change, only tightens the ropes. When you cut the rope and let go of the hurt, that part of the mind collapses. Discover forgiveness. One part is to forgive others, the other part is to forgive yourself. See how you are unable to forgive others who have caused you hurt. Forgiveness is very important quality to develop. By being hurt you are torturing yourself. Holding hurt is a torture. See how it is a torture to yourself. Become aware of the lack of forgiveness. Pray to Amma and Bhagavan asking them to help you to forgive. 3. Lack of Seeking Forgiveness You are not seeking forgiveness from others. Many occasions you have hurt others. Some times you are unaware but even when you are aware that you hurt another, you explain why and do not ask for forgiveness. You are trying to justify your point. Become aware how you lack seeking forgiveness. 4. Lack of Sensitivity Because of the chatter of the mind the senses are not able to experience anything. We are all the time thinking about ourselves and we are not sensitive to other peoples feeling and priority. Become aware of your insensitivity. Be aware of your body and senses. Mind chatter stops awareness. Hatha Yoga helps develop full physical awareness. Practice 7 minutes of awareness (teeth brushing, walking...) sadanas to help increase awareness. Become aware of how you affect others. Senses must be sharp to experience reality as it is. Lack of sensitivity brings out unwanted chatter of the past. Pray and ask for sensitivity. 5. Lack of Relationships Whenever you are relating to people , things and subjects in life all is well as long as it is pleasant. Whenever things become unpleasant you shut down that relationship. You slowly becoming dead to relationships. This can be called non-relationship. Become aware of your lack of relationship. How closed down are you to experiencing in life? When do you close down? Where do you close down? Who do you embrace? Who do You avoid? Look at Comparison, competition, Judgement. How do you relate to life? 6. Lack of Inner Integrity Learn to be honest to yourself. Lying to others is not such a big deal, but the moment you lie outside, you begin to lie to yourself inside to prove that you did not lie. One lie outside is a thousand lies to ones self. The lies you have spoken to yourself moved you away from your authentic self. Become aware of lack of inner integrity. You MUST have inner integrity to know God. Can’t forgive self if you lie to self - can’t become aware of the roll being played by the mind when you continue to lie to yourself. Tell lies outside and you can forget it. Know you spoke a lie and that is all. Speak a lie outside without inner integrity and the mind makes a net of lies to convince self inside. Tell 1000 inner lies to overcome the outer lie. This forms a thick layer between you and God => increased separation and suffering. It is okay to speak a lie outside but don’t convince self by telling lies. Become aware of thoughts and feelings inside - Do not cover that up. There is no need to cover it up. Become aware of your truth inside. Practice inner integrity and see the truth inside => integral inside=> outer integrity. If there is inner integrity and you are connected with Divine you may not need to lie outside. Be aware you don’t have inner integrity, pray and ask for it. 7. Life Review See how self righteousness hurt others. Create a roadmap of your life, situations and people. Ask Sri AB to take you through it. Experience every situation 100%. Remember it through all eyes involved. Start seeing how you hurt others. If a person cannot see their faults in life, and how they affected others, it is very difficult to grow. So review your life. 8. Confronting Fear Trauma not fully experience lodges in cellular memory - any situation that resembles that trauma => fear. Let life present everything to you. Stay with sensations - don’t buy into the story. Ask to stay with the sensation fully. There are 2 kinds of fear: Biological - this is an inbuilt mechanism of the body to protect you and you don’t need to do anything about it. Psychological fear – 4 kinds – fear of failure, rejection, future, unknown - confront it! 9. Lack of Acceptance See that you are unable to accept yourself. You always find somebody responsible for your suffering. Turn inward and see who you are and accept that. Then you will be at peace with everything. Accept your role in society or the system, however small it could be, however insignificant it could be. See that you look at others and judge their roles and experience against yours. There is constant comparison to the other. See how you can’t accept yourself. 10. Craving for significance One of the greatest obstacles to spiritual growth is the craving for significance. It is the nature of the self to crave for importance in all things. Become aware of the craving for significance. Craving is there due to separation - the mind. Keep seeing your need for significance - put in effort to improve your condition. See your craving, become Aware and it decreases. Ask for grace to make you ‘see’. 11. Lack of Humility Become aware of the lack of humility you have in your life. To realize that in life, you are the part of the whole and are very insignificant, would help you to grow. Most people feel as though they understand everything. Humility is necessary for awakening, for awakening is something you receive; not achieve. Become aware of lack of humility. 12. Lack of Sacredness Modern civilization thinks it can understand and explain everything. In trying to understand and explain it one looses the sense of mystery in everything. Losing the mystery we loose the feeling of sacredness. Humanity’s explanation has killed the mystery and sacredness of life. The “All That Is” can never be understood. God is unknowable. When you can realize this, you start feeling sacred towards the Divine and all of life. It gives you the unexpected. The greatest knowing is that you truly can never know anything. Become aware of lack of sacredness. When you start to see that everything is unknowable, you develop sacredness toward everything. Sacredness comes when you know it is unknowable. Become aware that you are not sacred toward things. Pray and ask for sacredness. 13. Lack of Seeing Divine Hand in Life Becomes aware of how there is a Divine hand in your life. Divine is the eye behind everything. See how the Divine has been with you throughout your entire life. There was never a moment when Divine was not with you. 14. Lack of Strong Bond with Amma Bhagavan Amma Bhagavan have come for the purpose of Awakening - Their greatest joy is seeing the process initiated. They specialize in Liberation-Mukthi. They have been preparing and working for man for over 862 years. It seems relevant to ask them for help. You need a bond with someone - a relationship that has life in it when you ask. Do not disturb your faith or culture. ‘All That Is’ flows through everything. You can relate to your God as father, mother, friend, teacher, whatever is dear to you. When you relate in that way it is possible for them to relate back. Having a personal bond with your Divine is turning on the switch. Having a bond with Sri Amma Bhagavan does not mean giving up your God. They put you in touch with your God, then you can ask your God who Sri AMMA BHAGAVAN are. It is a personal discovery. They are capable of giving Awakening. If you need the bond to grow stronger, faster, recall all the good you have received in our life. Be aware you don’t have a bond and ask Sri Amma Bhagavan to help. The Bond is not giving up anything. God says, “I will come in the way you want or the way I want.” No different than any form. God is One, in all forms. Bond with this aspect of Light. All that is- Divine Phenomena. The stronger the connection and Bond the more the Divine Grace of this Phenomenon would pour through a person. Friends. See them a Avatars, Divine Beings and a lot more can occur. If you see them as ‘All That Is’ the experience is intense. The phenomenon takes the body. To establish a personal bond with AmmaBhagavan. To get in touch with the Divine Phenomenon of awakening that AmmaBhagavan are brining into this planet one would have to feel connected to AmmaBhagavan. The stronger the Bond the more the Divine Grace you experience. When you have Bond things will happen faster. Do you have a strong bond? Become aware of your lack of a Bond. 15. Lack of Faith Become aware of the lack of faith you have towards the process and AmmaBhagavan. See how the mind tells various stories of how awakening cannot, or will not happen to you. Realize that it is happening all around the planet to thousands of people, and will happen to you. Become aware of your lack of faith. In the past the Earth energies were not right for massive human awakening. Kalki Avatar is 70,000 beings with consciousness to awaken. 16. Lack of Surrender See the condition of the mind and become helpless. Know you cannot do anything to get there, and you need the Divine to help you. Surrender is to realize that there is nothing more you can do about it. When you are helpless the divine will help you. If you are desperate you are lost. Desperate is different than Helpless. See you are helpless. Become aware of lack of surrender. 17. Lack of Gratitude (quality ) We take life for granted and see it as responsibility and duty. Become aware of your lack of gratitude. We are constantly trying to become. We are not aware of the perfection in all things and the abundance life is giving us. We do not have gratitude when we want things to be different than they are ~ and we do. When you become Aware that you are ungrateful, gratitude will increase. Pray and ask Amma Bhagavan to give you gratitude. 18. Lack of Seva (service) Spend time helping others. The greatest seva is helping in others awakening. Become aware that you don’t make use of opportunities to do seva. You reap what you sew many times. All life is controlled by the deeds you do. Helping people get awakened is the solution to ALL problems. When the veil of suffering is pulled down people will love to live. 19. Lack of Compassion See how you lack compassion. When you are focused to achieve something without distraction for yourself, that is passion. If you have the same passion to fulfill another persons desire, that is compassion. 20. Lack of Praising the Divine or AmmaBhagavan Every scripture speaks about praising the Divine. When you praise Divine you will receive an abundance of Grace. Praising the Divine, Grace will come to you, the process will initiate. Divine needs and wants you. 21. Lack Formal Gratitude to the Divine Spend time in contemplation and see what Divine does for you each day. Outside of the rational mind, everything is a miracle. When a piece of the whole helps the whole the whole appreciates and gives back to the piece. It is true at a deeper level you cannot do anything, but in the physical plane you are living with the Divine, so express your gratitude formally. By doing this you are binding the Divine to you and It is compelled to do a favor for you. Your personal relationship grows. We are here when the Avatar is here on this planet – express gratitude To see the Lords feet is a great blessing, we are getting Deeksha from the Padukas – people in India consider this as a good karma accumulated thru many births – express gratitude We are able to hear the teachings of the Avatar directly – express gratitude Without any difficulty by just calling out the name of Amma Bhagavan we are receiving grace - express gratitude The Avatar is giving us Mukthi – Liberation - express gratitude. Amma Bhagavan are there protecting your family all the time - express gratitude. We have the opportunity to serve – express gratitude. Amma Bhagavan are solving our health and financial problems – express gratitude. We are witnessing the great changes happening on this planet – express gratitude For mankind’s enlightenment Amma Bhagavan need all your help because you are helping They are expressing gratitude. Amma Bhagavan expressing their Gratitude is an example to us.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:19:58 +0000

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