.21 “Thanks old man.” Weed whispered as he got up. “1 - TopicsExpress


.21 “Thanks old man.” Weed whispered as he got up. “1 coin to help my hunger.” The dwarf said still in an inebriated state. “Tis fo everything to help on your journey E’f.” Weed pulled out the last gold coin he had stashed away. He bitterly handed it over, how he wished he could carry more change. “Thank you young elf. I am grateful to you for saving this dying man’s broken body.” Said the dwarf. “My name is Kendelbreu Du Cristo. You may call me Kendelbreu.” “I am called Weed” “I heard that the black diamond is special because it allowed you to gain secret affinities,” said the dwarf, somewhat sobering up. “Some claim that is not true but rather the black diamond can be used to craft something very beautiful and it allows the crafter to gain something related to their profession.” Weed grew excited at the idea of gaining more stats or a secret affinity. “Rumors have it that the black diamond is supposed to be inside the Forbidden Mines. Apparently there are a lot of monsters that guard the diamond because of it’s dark nature. Many chase after it but all die in the end. But who can distinguish between myth and reality in this day and age.” “Got it, you can leave it to me.” “No you don’t. You need a mining crew. This is not something you can do on your own.” “Mining crew?” “Aye, a ropesman, a sniffer and at least two support miners. All of them are required to be seasoned fighters. But most of all you need a map of the hidden mines.” “…” “Will you accept my quest elf?” asked the dwarf as he smiled slyly. “Accept my quest and be favoured by more than just luck. Impossible is nothing if we combine our strengths together.” “What’s in it for you?” Weed asked warily. The dwarf smiled and spoke passionately. “Vindication. Restoration of my family’s honor. My family has always claimed the existence of the diamante noir. However, there were those who trampled on our claims and sullied our reputation.” TRRRRING!!! You have accepted the quest to find the diamante noir! A fabled jewel said to exist in the Forbidden mines. Difficulty Level: D Reward: Unknown Quest Requirements: Must be a finalist of Theodore’s 13th apprentice test. Must have paid 1 copper to Kendelbreus. “…I accept your request.” Weed said cautiously. He could not help but think there was something suspicious about the dwarf. TRRRINGG! - You have exceeded the maximum number of quests storable! - You may accept this quest after allocating your quests between primary and secondary quests. - You may have three primary quests and an indefinite number of secondary quests. Weed froze in shock. He did not see that coming. He was so completely absorbed in the game that he forgot to keep count of the number of quests. Seriously? Quest storage was never a problem for most players. As you keep leveling up, you are able to hold more quests. However, Weed’s level was too low for him to unlock more quest storability. Thus, he was now in an unforeseen quagmire. He clicked on help window to learn more about primary quests and secondary quest. - Primary Quest: You may store up to 3 primary quests at anytime during the game. The number of primary quests you can store increase as your character class/level increases. Sometimes you may come across items which will enable you to carry more quests. You may also come across hidden quests which will not add on to your quest count. - Secondary Quest - If you exceed the maximum number of permissible primary quests, you will have to allocate your quests between primary and secondary quests. Unlike primary quests, you will receive no reward upon it’s completion. Once a quest is marked as secondary, it cannot be undone. - Sub Quest – Sometimes a Primary quests will involve sub quests necessary to complete the over all quest. These quests will never exceed or equal to the level or rewards of the main quest. A sub quest takes up the same space as a primary quest. Usually, Quests level S and above have sub quests. Ensure you have plenty of space when undertaking such a high level quest! Otherwise you will be unable to complete the main / primary quest. - Hidden Quest – At times, you may come across a hidden quest. As it name suggests it is hidden and thus the rewards will be greater for the level of difficulty involved. Hidden quests do not count towards your quest count. - Mini Quests – 1 to 10 mini quests equal one slot of a primary quest i.e. even a single mini quest will occupy the same space as 10 mini quests. Mini quests are serial in nature. They are accompanied with no materialistic reward at the end. These are typically found during your first lock in period at the starting city. At times, you may come across very low level quests which will be classified as a mini quest. - Missions – These are allocated by players. If you are part of a guild, you will most likely receive missions to accomplish from your guild leader. Sometimes an individual player may give missions. Missions are taxed @ 10% of gold value of transaction. You need to be level C/100 or above to accept missions. ‘Ah, that explains why I never got this notification during the Hydra quest, it was a hidden quest and doesn’t take up any space.’ Weed wondered how many players were ever faced with a situation where they needed to open up this help menu on ‘Quests’. Weed stared at his quest log. ‘Lisa’s Ring…Alak’s pond and Theodores Blacksmithing competition.’ Weed agonized about it for a moment. Rodriguez quest was level E with unknown rewards, however it was part of a massive serial quest. So the reward had to be important. Alak’s quest was level C which was well above the current level D quest offered by the dwarf. Lastly, there was no way Weed would turn down Theodore’s quest. As quests were unique in RREV, it only compounded Weed’s problems further. He could not hope to drop Alak’s or Rodriguez’s quest and then hope to reinstate it to receive rewards. Once declined it was gone forever. It was also meaningless to mark a quest secondary; why complete a quest if there is no reward? Weed quickly moved Kendelbreu’s quest to secondary. Weed had a simple reasoning, he already knew what he wanted from helping Kendelbreu: the black diamond. He didn’t care about any other reward. As he accepted Kendelbreu’s quest, Weed overheard a couple of dwarves whispering; “Kukukukukuku, to think that an elf would help that old dwarf” “Who is that old guy anyway?” “Don’t you know? Kendelbreu used to be one of the richest dwarves in this city. But due to misfortune he lost it all while exploring the Forbidden Mines.” TRRRINGGG! Eavesdrop: Beginner Level 2! You can now hear more secrets and have a greater chance of not being noticed. The dwarf smiled and led Weed outside; Tasha and Tinaquarrier were waiting outside. The dwarf greeted them. “Old man, you took your time?” Tasha asked. “Boys, meet our newest crew member.” The dwarf pointed at Weed. “…” Tasha and Tinaquarrier could not hide their disgust. Ignoring them, the old dwarf loudly blew a whistle. A wagon drawn by two large ostrich like birds stopped in front of them. The act of poverty was over. The dwarf wasn’t as poor as he seemed to be. A private carriage was a status of being fairly rich; at the very least on par with a noble lord. Weed felt as if he had been ripped of buy parting away with one gold and one silver. The old dwarves clothes, began to glitter and sparkle in the brightness. Weed stared at the old dwarf in disbelief; there was something indeed suspicious about him! He wasn’t as poor as he seemed just very miserly!! One copper for me hunger? Bullshit! “Come on get in, we don’t have time to spare.” The old dwarf hackled as he pushed Weed and the other two dwarves in the wagon. “You’re not coming?” Weed asked as the wagon door closed. “No, I must wait here to see if I can get anymore of Theodore’s candidates to join this.” “Wait.” Weed shouted, before the wagon could start moving. “How many candidates have you enlisted?” Kendelbreu eyes twinkled. “You’re the second.” He said as he smiled. Weed clenched his teeth as if he were holding back his anger; “I have miles to go before I sleep. I guess I am already behind the curve.” Weed muttered. Sensing Weed’s frustration and determination, Kendelbreu added, “The Forbidden Mines are a place where woe befalls the person who enters. The reason I am the way I am today was because of those accursed mines! Beware elf, I am only telling you this because you fed me unsparingly whilst others miserly treated me. The Forbidden Mines are very dangerous. If you do not know what you are looking for, you will be lost for eternity. If you still wish to go, take this map as a token of friendship.” TRRRING!!! Your act of kindness has been rewarded! You have received the Map of the Forbidden Mines. Weed thanked the dwarf and was about to leave when the dwarf said, “Since you are going to the mines, could you help with this last request?” “When I was young, I too wanted to explore the Forbidden Mines in order to find more riches and the fabled black diamond. I was naïve and greedy. I took all the resources I had to explore the mines. Unfortunately, as I went deeper and deeper into the mines, I got trapped in a cave-in. In order to flee, I left all the riches behind and returned as a poor man. Elf, will you recover my treasure and return it to me?” TRRRINGG! You have received a hidden quest from Kendelbreu! In order to recover what he has lost, Master Explorer Kendelbreu wishes you to find his treasure. You should find his treasure and return it to him before leaving the city. Difficulty Level: E Reward: A share of Kendelbreu’s wealth. Quest Requirements: Must have helped Kendelbreu unsparingly. Rewards: 5% of Kendelbreu’s treasure; Reputation with Dwarves increases by 200; Fame increases by 100; You will fail this quest if you die in the forbidden caves. If you fail, your reputation with dwarves will decrease and you will lose 10% of all existing fame. Weed took a deep breath, for a moment he overlooked the word hidden and thought he had to write off another quest reward. He grew very excited when he saw the rewards and penalty. How big is 5% of the share for the penalties to be so harsh? “Master Kendelbreu, it would be my honor to retrieve your treasure. Please wait here and I will return with the treasure.” TRRRRINGG! -You have accepted the quest- “Thank you, young elf” Kendelbreu said as Weed departed. The wagon sped away, leaving only a trail of dust behind. Kendelbreu stepped back into the tavern. The other dwarves looked at him suspiciously; Kendelbreu was clearly up to no good. Once considered the richest dwarf, squandered all his money looking for the mythical black diamond. He was also considered arrogant and evil. He mercilessly used his wealth to take out those he disliked. Though a pauper now compared to previous standards of his life style, Kendelbreu had enough influence and power under his thumb to silence those who questioned him. The dwarves could only quietly wonder why Theodore favoured Kendelbreu.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 13:25:57 +0000

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