21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Lk 13:22-30 Facing a door A door - TopicsExpress


21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Lk 13:22-30 Facing a door A door says a lot. A door can free us or imprison us. A door can make us feel comfortable or make us feel insecure. A door can shield us or uncover us. As we go on in life we will always encounter doors. Finally, at the end of our lives we will have to face either a door that leads to heaven or a door that leads to hell. A door is a good reminder that we all have to face ourselves, our deeds, our fears, our God some time. Do not take a door for granted. *** The Gospel today (Lk 13:22-30 speaks of a narrow door, a narrow gate that could separate or lead us to God at the end of our lives. There is a final judgement, where the good will be rewarded and the evil will be punished. It is a very clear warning that those who do evil will not escape God’s judgement. They may, for a while seem to prosper or get away with their evil ways. But that is only for a while. In the end, they will eventually face a door – a door that leads to life or a door that leads to condemnation. *** In our country, sad to say, membership and who you know is still the key that open doors. How often have I been amazed at how people who have “connect” can have easy access to anything and to anyone. Likewise, how often have I experienced being turned away or barred because I did not belong. *** How do you think the poor people feel when they are marginalized, scorned and humiliated? How do you treat those who are not of your kind, not of your league, not among your rank? *** When we reach our destination, God does not require an ID for entry. God sees the heart and the deeds of a person, more than his credentials or religious affiliation. Heaven is not an exclusive club meant only for the privileged and the chosen (self-righteous) few. We must not judge each other. We must not exclude each other. Rather we must try to go to heaven together, acknowledging that we are all sinners, but still confident that we have a loving and an understanding Father. *** Time and again, God has raised, and will continue to raise people who “disturb” us and lead us to greater truths. It is the poor and the humble, mga mabababa that will serve as a wedge to open doors for us. The rich and the powerful hold the key in this country, but God will make a way through the poor, the humble, the truthful, the lowly. *** It is the simple, the little, the humble ones that teach us life’s best lessons. At dinner with Mama one evening I requested our helper to dial a phone number for me. She came back and said, “I cannot contact him Father. But isn’t he a rich person Father?” I was quite puzzled by her statement. So I dialed the number and I heard the taped voice saying, “The subscriber cannot be reached.” Come to think of it, our helper was right. Many times, rich people cannot be reached! *** A Moment with the Lord Lord, help me not to be afraid of a door, any door, that leads to truth and life. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 04:51:40 +0000

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