22 So I got through my first full day with this. Usually either - TopicsExpress


22 So I got through my first full day with this. Usually either something bread...or chocolate would mess me up. Yesterday was a good day. Read training our tummies take time too as well as training our willpower to not give in. Ive also started a very beginners workout. Which leaves me utterly exhausted although it doesnt require jumping which is great for my joints. One thing I noticed that really helps....is a schedule. Right now its on one very messy piece of paper. I hope to transfer it to no line paper with marker and put in certain spots to help as a reminder. We can do this. My goal this year is becoming a reality and by December I hope to be far healthier than I am now and in far less pain. My inflammation levels have been slightly high. Before doc switches me to bipogics Monday I plan to ask for one more month since this diet should help. While starting this I am also trying to begin my elimination diet. For my rheumatoid arthritis. While it does take about 72 hours to actually see a trigger....I didnt hurt as much this am when I woke up. Which is am good thing. Not as swollen. Usually I cant bend my fingers for a rad and they really hurt. And my elbows always hurt really bad in the mornings and coincidence maybe...time will tell but today i woke up in less pain thee than i have in a while. Now to maintain the eating right today and see what tomorrow brings. A friend came to visit yesterday for a few hours. And wanted to eat out. So we went to Applebees. I stuck with vegs! And a small bowl of totilla soup. She had desert and I managed to pass! Its doable! Now my elimination diet is not downpat.. I had milk in my zeal shake. I plan on changing this up. I dont think milk is a trigger and will compare it to coconut milk or almond milk though nuts aee a nono on elimination diet. So we just have to find what works for us. I am posting....for encouragement. To share our journey also helps others. I graduate with my BA in dec....I wanna be able to not feel like Ashley elephant while walking on stage so this...is my motivation to stick with it come what may. Please share your journey so that on off days it will motivate those of us who may be struggling that day. Now. To get thru 21 days of this! Its a great way to start and 21 days makes it more relistic
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:06:23 +0000

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