24/4/17 Had a very busy night and feeling rather fatigued. After - TopicsExpress


24/4/17 Had a very busy night and feeling rather fatigued. After breakfast and clean up I lay on my bed until 1 pm. It is a most glorious day, by far the best that we have had this year. In the afternoon I betook myself for a walk, which was exquisitely delightful. On duty 5 pm to 9 pm. I have now come to the end of my 5th diary. I wonder how many more I shall fill before I may close down for good not that I have truly noted all my actions and experiences for I have not done so, not by half or even one quarter but perhaps enough. Diary number 6 of 15 25/4/17 Rose at 7.30 am. Had breakfast at the mill afterwards shave and clean up. Managed to get a “pull through”, some 4 by 2 and a pair of laces from the quartermaster. I am now complete in every detail and ready at a moments notice to quit, which however I am not in a great hurry about. Here I have a nice comfortable bed and I am able to keep myself clean and tidy, considerably better than in a barn. Received a parcel yesterday from my good old Aunt Ada, which contained a pleasant surprise in the form of a cake. I ate a little this morning, but found it rather a difficult matter to resist the temptation (which became strong after the first bit) to consume the whole of it at a sitting, and risk an attack of indigestion afterwards. On duty 1 pm to 5 pm and 6 m until 10 pm. 26/4/17 Had a good night’s rest. On duty 8.30 am until 1 pm. It is rather dull and cold today, but towards midday and afterwards it became quite warm and cheerful. After dinner I did a little studying and then went for a stroll. After tea spent an hour sitting in the garden at my billet and pegged away at my French. During the last few days of fine weather the French civilians have been working with feverish haste at digging their gardens and planting same with sufficient vegetables to last them another twelve months. The country people and villagers do not believe in buying what they can grow, and although potatoes and the like are I hear practically a luxury in England at the present time, while here where the war is close at hand and even been under the feet of the invader, the people have a plentiful supply still of these essential commodities. In fact they constitute I may say with truth, their staple nourishment. It is rather a remarkable picture to see khaki clad soldiers assisting in this form of toil I have done a little myself, but only a little. On duty 9 m until 8.15 am. 27/4/17 Had a very busy night again felt quite fatigued and weary when I left the bureau at 8.30 am. After breakfast lay down until 12.45 pm. After dinner a short walk and did a little digging in a garden. Spent a short while sitting in the garden at my billet before preparing to go on duty at 5 pm. There are strong rumours that we shall all be away from here in another three or four days time, which I hope however is not true. I can’t say that I like the idea of tent life, which is our prospect when we quit this place. I shall sadly miss my tiny chamber and cosy little bed. Artillery still heavy.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 22:23:08 +0000

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