24 December 2014 Mekaniko Tracing the Nativity The Nativity - TopicsExpress


24 December 2014 Mekaniko Tracing the Nativity The Nativity that we Christians are celebrating is vividly described in Chapter 2, verses 1-14 of The Gospel According to Luke. Joseph and Mary, then heavy with child, travelled from Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem to comply with the Roman census then. While in Bethlehem however, Mary’s time to give birth came, and finding no room available in the inns, delivered her child in a stable-like place where she “…wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger” (Luke 2:7). This Nativity was preordained about a thousand years earlier through a vision of the prophet Nathan where the Lord of hosts told him to relay to King David (who that time was troubled by his house of cedar, while the “…Ark of God dwells in a tent”) that aside from giving him “…rest from all… [his] enemies” (2Samuel7:11), the Lord will also “…establish his [David’s] dynasty forever” (Psalm 89: 30). The Lord also said to David: “…And when your time comes and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your heir after you, sprung from your loins, and I will make his kingdom firm. It is he who shall build a home for my name. And I will make his royal throne firm forever. I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me” (2Samuel7: 12-14). Then, some seven centuries before the nativity, when Judah was in distress (as it was threatened by the attacks from the combined forces of the kings of Aram and of Israel), the Lord, communicating with Judah’s king Ahaz through the prophet Isaiah gave the following message as sign that would “prove God’s firm will to save the royal house of David from his oppressors” (Isaiah 7:11 note): “the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel [which means God is with us]” (Isaiah 7:14) . These oracles however took hundreds of years to come into fruition, through the following events clearly articulated in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. The angel Gabriel first appeared to the young virgin, Mary, who was betrothed to Joseph, to announce that she “…have found favor with God…[and that she] will conceive…and bear a son…[and will] name him Jesus…[who] will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” Mary was initially troubled and wondered how this can be, and the angel told her that this is made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that “…the son to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.” She was also told – as a sign - that her cousin Elizabeth, who despite being barren and in her old age has – by God’s power - conceived and was already in her sixth month. Hearing the angel’s words, she relented and said “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1: 26-37) Joseph on the other hand, when he found out that his betrothed was with child, decided to divorce Mary quietly. However, before he can do this, “…the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ ” And when Joseph woke up, he did as the angel told him, and took Mary into his home (Mathew 7:18-25). And so it was on this blessed day of the Nativity about two thousand and fourteen years ago that the promises of God to David and Israel started to happen, and continues as of today towards its fulfillment. I take it as such because first of all, Jesus (who is one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit), who on account of being a shoot from David was enthroned by God on the seat of David, and on account of his being the son of God and having ascended into heaven taking his place at the right hand of God, has caused the transformation of the Davidic dynasty into an immortal entity, which therefore has become forever. Jesus (who is son to God the Father) has built a house – the Christian Faith – for the Father’s name. A virgin gave birth to a son more than two thousand and fourteen years ago, who – being Immanuel - continues to manifest his presence with us through the Gospel (that contains God’s teachings) and the continued celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Following the angel’s instruction, the virgin’s son was named Jesus (which came from the Hebrew name Joshua, or lesous in Greek) which means “Yaweh saves” (Matthew 1:21 note). Jesus experienced crucifixion and died on the cross so that man’s sins may be forgiven and be bestowed the Lord’s grace of salvation. The good news was proclaimed by the angels of the Lord to the shepherds that were watching herd that night. They were told of the “…great joy that will be for all the people,” the birth in a manger of a savior (lesous or Jesus) who is both Messiah (christos or Christ) and Lord. The shepherds then went to Bethlehem to witness what the angels told them, and they passed on to others the rejoicing news about the child whom they glorified (Luke 2: 15-20). Also, wise men from the east came to pay homage, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, because they saw the rising of the star that marked the birth of “newborn king of the Jews” (Matthew 2: 1-12)! As such, rejoicing and the giving of gifts on the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ has become a tradition that has been practiced by Christianity up to today. But as we celebrate and share our blessings with others, we should not forget who the celebrant is, and who might appreciate receiving a gift from each of us. And one such appropriate gift, to my mind, is helping him achieve his intentions for us, which is the salvation of each one of us, and ultimately occupying the place he has prepared for us in paradise. May we all succeed in making the Lord rejoice and pleased with our gift to him. A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 14:30:29 +0000

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