25 . 3 . 2014 = 2042 = 8 VIII the STRENGTH >( XVII the STAR - TopicsExpress


25 . 3 . 2014 = 2042 = 8 VIII the STRENGTH >( XVII the STAR ): Destiny VII the CHARIOT >( XVI the TOWER): Entrance . . . with II HIGH PRIESTESS >( XI JUSTICE >XX ) . . . with V the HIEROPHANT>(XIV INSPIRATION) - - - Karma IX the HERMIT >( XVIII the MOON ) Spontanious in action, doing without thinking; to follow impulses from the heart. Courage, integrity are natural aspects of STRENGTH. The (hidden) STAR here is the most clear vision of freedom, independance, selfsufficient: not disturbed by whoevers ideas, judgements. All eights belonging to VIII, add to her vitality, lust for life ! Wands VIII represents the swiftness with wich an action comes to be, without any thought, no controle. Cups VIII is as swift in disappearing on a wave of emotions, if shes in an unwanted spot. Pentacles is the joy of working, if the job is to the hearts liking. However Swords . . If action, emotion, work - integrity, courage, freedom comes under scrutinity of analyses, chances are to go deep in doubt. Analyze freedom, you might find rules, bind execces, free speach is suppressed, gatherings of more than two forbidden (unless a thousand hailing one ruler). Short: Swords VIII is the result of try and controle freedom. Depicted a woman blinded by a bandage and all movement bandaged as well. Symbolic for a thought thats binding. A limiting concept can hold you one hour, one day, a year or an entire lifetime. Turn it around: if you are depressed, feel frustration, look and see the mindset, the limiting concept. The Lemnescate symbolises the everflowing energy of life. In an VIII day this can go sky-high, tumbling deep-down within a moment. If its a birthday, probably in the beginning there will be overwhelming emotional outbursts . . . (I do know, VIII mother, sister, niece, daughter, granddaughter, grandson.) Entrance in the CHARIOT does have some controle; two giants to keep in balance as a life-long task (for those born 7, 16, 25.) If just in the day, still our bike, car, traffic wants us in balance, not in hasty hysterics, nor with bags of shopping and two kids on a bike Not drunk of course. Enough time to go to yoga-class or ukelele-practice. This CHARIOT is with II HIGH PRIESTESS (calming us down, makes us see why things happen, how to be balanced about it) and V HIEROPHANT (teaching us how causes, effect our thinking, emotions and reality.) The effect of all these energies are a multitude of impulses, each with an impulse to do something (but there are many more impulses), they make a feeling, they call many thoughts into being, all with choices, concepts, reactions of ten relatives to think over; promises, obligations, wishes and more. More ??!! Maybe you know some 25, whom to ask. It goes on and on. Karma in the HERMIT: thatll bring some peace and quiet. It is his job to channel universal light, wisdom, love, information into our tuesday. Be connected, otherwise its not reaching our awareness. Simply visualise opening your crownchakra will do. When wanting to find information, or some concentrated calm, close your eyes, open third eye, focus on question, turn on your sound, see / hear the answer.(please tell me.) Expect to see with the HERMIT on high, a vision of the path to go with due effect of chosen direction. You ask your inner guide of course, eventually in the image of this old man with the candle; any person will do. He offers symbols, dreams, ideas, makes you listen to a conversation of interest to your future, or an actual project now. Light he shines where obscurity is, or secrets, hidden treasures, sources of wisdom, creative lines to find. The wolf is his guide - ours tomorrow too. And the falcon, as our messanger. Happy birthday LIEKE !!! St. Catherine of Siena 1347 Arturo Toscanini 1867 Bela Bartok 1881 Mary Webb 1881 Simone Signoret 1921 Machiko Kyo 1924 Gloria Steinem 1934 Aretha Franklin 1942 Sarah Jessica Parker 1965 Lieke Antonisen1975 Seychelle Gabriel 1991 A wise light to guide us all, with love, with roses . .
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:45:53 +0000

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