25 Alarming Reasons That Sitting Down All Day AKA Your Daily - TopicsExpress


25 Alarming Reasons That Sitting Down All Day AKA Your Daily Office Job Is Killing You: Did you know that sitting is one of the most dangerous things you do? These are 25 alarming reasons that sitting down all day (aka your office job) is killing you 25: If you have a desk job, you spend approximately 9.3 hours per day sitting 24: Unfortunately, sitting for 6 or more hours per day makes you 40% more likely to die within 15 years than someone who sits less than three. Even if you exercise… 23: So right up front well give you the takeaway, if you spend most of your day sitting, exercising and even eating healthy will do very little to keep you from being overweight or dying young. Why? Well, heres what we know… 22: As soon as you sit down your body basically goes into meltdown. Electrical activity in your leg muscles shuts off completely. 21: Calorie burning drops to 1 calorie per minute 20: Enzymes that help break down fat drop by almost 90% 19: After 2 more hours of sitting your good cholesterol drops by 20% 18: And after 24 hours your insulin effectiveness drops by 24% and your risk of diabetes increases sharply 17: To drive this point home, between 1980 and 2000, exercise rates in the general population stayed the same (possibly even increased) while the number of hours sitting increased by 8%. Obesity, on the other hand, has doubled. 16: According to the Mayo Clinic, sitting for most of the day increases your risk of heart attack just as much as smoking. 15: In fact, many of the most common killers and illnesses in the west (diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even depression) are strongly linked to what researchers have dubbed sitting disease. 14: According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, those who sit have a much higher mortality rate not just from heart disease but from cancer as well. 13: Exercising all day may not be enough to offset the sitting 12: Many people may not be able to help sitting at the office (well get back to that in our conclusion) but its the extra sitting time at home that is literally killing them. 11: One solution is to get off the couch while youre at home 10: Those who sit 3 hours or more per day watching tv are 64% more likely to die from heart disease 9: Interestingly, of the people who sit in front of the tv for 3 hours per day, those that exercise are just as obese as those who dont 8: Each extra hour of tv correlates to an 11% higher risk of death 7: The human body just wasnt built to sit for long periods of time 6: A hundred years ago when we were all out toiling in field and working in factories obesity was nearly non existent. 5: Studies are now showing that in order to remain healthy you must minimize sitting time while still exercising and eating healthy. If you miss any one of those, the other two will not make up for it. 4: In a recent inactivity study researchers fed subjects the same amount of calories and forbid them from exercising during the study. Surprisingly, not everyone gained weight. 3: After wiring the subjects bodies to see what was going on, they realized that although no one was doing traditional exercise, the leaner subjects moved a lot more during the day. 2: They would take the stairs instead of the elevator, pace around, and even while sitting they would fidget. Basically, theyre lifestyle was active. 1: So, in conclusion, even if you find yourself having to sit all day at work, get a standing desk, pace around, fidget, and reduce your sitting time (and dont forget to exercise and eat healthy too). https://youtube/watch?v=YMQWqW4r7xo
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:37:41 +0000

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