252【違憲概念之形成】-法秩序階層說 Hans - TopicsExpress


252【違憲概念之形成】-法秩序階層說 Hans Kelsen,General Theory of Law and State: D.The Static And The Dynamic Concept of Law If one looks upon the legal order from the dynamic point of view,as it has been expounded here,it seems possible to define the concept of law in a way quite different from that in whichwe have tried to define it in this theory。It seems especially possible to ignore the element of coercion in defining the concept of law。 It is fact that the legislator can enact commandments without considering it necessary to attach a criminal or civil sanction to their violation。If such norms are also called legal norms,it is because they were created by an authority which,according to the constitution,is competent to create law。They are law because they issue from a law-creating authority。According to this concept,law is anything that has come about in the way the constitution prescribes for the creation of law。This dynamic concept differs from the concept of law defined as a coereive norm。According to the dynamic concept,law is something created by a certain process,and everything created in this way is law。This dynamic concept furnished an answer only to the question whether or not and why a certain norm belings to a system of valid legal norms,forms a part of a certain legal order。And the answer is,a norm belongs to a certain legal order if it is created in accordance with a procedure prescribed by the constitution fundamental to the legal order。 Hans Kelsen,translated by Anderson Wedbery,A General Theory of Law and State(New York:Russel &Russel 1961),pp.122 回顧立憲主義蓬勃發展以後,資本主義憲法國家紛紛制定成文憲法,並且在成文憲法中,規定政府各部門間「被憲法授權的政治權力範圍」及「政治權力範圍運營的規則」與「基本人權」,縱觀機關論發展的變遷,自古希臘時代的亞里斯多德的「政體論」,柏拉圖的「共和國」,經過十三世紀阿奎納斯的「君權神授說」,至十七世紀啟蒙運動及人文主義等許多法政哲學者們極力倡導的,國家論、政體論、社會契約說、自然權利說、歷史哲學、現代經驗主義、邏輯實證主義等法哲學思維的具體化,使憲法成為立憲主義國家之「基礎立國意識哲學」,使憲法形式上及實質上及近代的意義,普遍被人們所接受-從法律關係的角度論之,它是一種國內人民所簽定的政治性契約,除了政治行為及政治運作都要受到憲法的約束外,憲法因為具有「法之本質」而成為效力最高的法律-特別是對於「金字塔位階論」的信徒來說。因此,成文憲法制定不久後,「法律或命令牴觸憲法或違反憲法之規定無效」,便自然而然地人民的心中產生。但是,衍生了另外一個問題,那就是,由誰來判斷法律與憲法牴觸呢?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:01:56 +0000

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