26 Jokes That Only Geeks Might Find Funny (Some are - TopicsExpress


26 Jokes That Only Geeks Might Find Funny (Some are groaners)...from the official Mensan group on LinkedIn... #1 Knock knock. Whos there? To. To Who? No, To whom? #2 When I was a kid my English teacher looked my way and said, Name two pronouns. I said, Who, me? #3 Why did Karl Marx dislike Earl Grey tea? Because all proper tea is theft. #4 Why cant you trust atoms? Because they make up everything. #5 Did you hear about the man who got cooled to absolute zero? Hes 0K now. #6 Schrodingers cat walks into a bar and doesnt. #7 Helium walks into a bar and orders a beer, the bartender says, Sorry, we dont serve noble gases here. He doesnt react. #8 How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb? A fish. #9 Your mother is so classless she could be a Marxist Utopia. #10 Theres a band called 1023MB. They havent had any gigs yet. #11 Whats another name for Santas elves? Subordinate Clauses. #12 They say a Freudian slip is when you say one thing, but you really mean your mother. #13 What do you call two crows on a branch? Attempted murder. #14 The Past, the Present, and the Future walked into a bar. It was tense. #15 What do you say when youre comforting a grammar nazi? There, their, theyre... #16 Sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium Batman! #17 What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question? #18 Its hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally. #19 Whats a physicists favorite food? Fission chips. #20 C, E Flat, and G walk into a bar. The bartender says, Sorry, no minors. #21 What do you get when you put root beer in a square glass? Beer #22 Two kittens on a sloped roof. Which one slides off first? The one with the lowest mew. #23 A biologist, a chemist, and a statistician are out hunting. The biologist shoots at a deer and misses 5 ft to the left. The chemist takes a shot and misses 5 ft to the right. The statistician yells, We got em. #24 The first rule of tautology club is The first rule of tautology club. #25 A photon checks into a hotel and the bellhop asks him if he has any luggage. The photon replies, No Im traveling light. #26 Descartes walks into a bar. The bartender asks if he wants a drink. I think not, Descartes says. And then he disappears.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:45:03 +0000

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