26dec2014, 09:15, via Buddhist Boot Camp - Today marks the birth - TopicsExpress


26dec2014, 09:15, via Buddhist Boot Camp - Today marks the birth of a new you. Starting right now, you will no longer identify with the person you’ve been in the past, nor compare yourself to others. You are, as of this moment, the person you aspire to be. The previous version of you is expired, outdated, gone. It is time for the new you to emerge: wiser, calmer, balanced and inspired. I received a lot of letters appreciating last month’s invitation to step away from victimhood mentality and toward empowerment, so I’m mentioning it again for a fresh new start in 2015! You are not a victim of anything that has happened in the past, nor are you a victim of what other people have done TO you. In fact, everything in your life has happened FOR you. For you to learn from, grow past, and mature beyond; For you to be grateful-for and appreciative-of, not to be bitter or resentful. Every experience has been an invitation for you to redefine who you are as unbreakable, capable, strong, and fluid. We flow through life just like rivers make their way to the sea: sometimes effortless, gentle with ease, and other times with fierce momentum, flowing over rocks and waterfalls. Regardless of our individual journey, however, all of us return to the ocean from which we originated long ago. So even if you’ve been icy cold in the past, frigid and bitter, it doesn’t mean you have to stay that way forever. Through repeated exposure to the light, you can be liberated into fluidity, or even soar like mist into the air. The great ice caps are melting, reminding us that nothing in nature is stuck. Nothing in nature is bound to stay the same way that it has always been. The only thing unnatural about change is our resistance to it. Trees show us every year how lovely and easy it is to let the dead things go, so why do we cling to yesterday’s woes with violent attachment? Are we afraid, perhaps, that letting go of yesterdays reality would somehow jeopardize our identity today? If we identify with nature, with fluidity: constantly and inevitably changing, flowing, restructuring, and, most importantly, part of the whole, then our identity is never threatened. That is freedom. Identify yourself as free, and you will be. Every day is the birth of a new you. So what are your New You resolutions? Write them down. Describe the person you want to be, and cross reference that description with the person you currently are. Let go of what no longer serves your greater vision, and reach for what will turn today’s dreams into tomorrow’s reality. Happy New Year! - Your brother, Timber
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:15:49 +0000

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