28 Praise God for what will come once the team begins to follow-up - TopicsExpress


28 Praise God for what will come once the team begins to follow-up on the distributions. Pray God provides the right person to serve as Discipleship Coordinator. Pray for the formati on of the Regional Leadership Teams. Pray for the distributions during the 2013-2014 season. Pray for the team as they begin to prepare and plan for the upcoming season. Pray for the translation of the ministry materials into Samoan. Senegal Praise God for the opportunity to host the first ever Canadian Ambassador Team trip to Africa. Praise God for sustaining the team for the 2012-2013 season and for the success of the distributions. Pray the team is given more access to public schools so they can teach TGJ to more children. Pray for the opening of 7 new key regions and the formation of new RLTs. Seychelles Praise God for the substantial growth of OCC. Praise God for the first RLT Coordinator in Praslin Island. Pray for the new RLT Coordinator as he goes through training and begins to serve with OCC. 29 Pray God provides the right people to serve as Prayer Coordinator and Resource Coordinator. Sierra Leone Praise God for the establishment of the new RLT. Praise God for the conversion of many Muslim children as a result of the distributions. Pray for the churches in the western area of Sierra Leone as they have yet to start TGJ in their churches after training the teachers. Pray God provides more sponsors for OCC in Sierra Leone as the team continues to expand their operations. Slovakia Praise God for providing more partners for the prayer team. Praise God for the new TGJ classes and the children who have accepted Christ as their Savior. Praise God for the opportunity to provide practical help for the families who have participated in OCC. Pray for the formation of a strong National Leadership Team. Pray more OCC partners participate in TGJ. Pray for the team as they take OCC into new areas. South Africa Praise God for the four new sRLT members in Cape Province. Praise God for the 12,000 children enrolled in TGJ classes. 30 Pray for the unity and consistency of the NLT as they face the challenge of working in the biggest country in the Southern Africa region. South Sudan Praise God for the TGJ teacher training in Juba. Praise God for the successful distribution of boxes in Torit. Praise Him for the successful distributions in Juba. Pray for those areas that weren’t able to receive boxes this year. Pray God provides new regions for distributions. Pray for the new NLT member. Sri Lanka Pray for tax exoneration for the upcoming season. Pray God grants His wisdom to the NLT. Suriname Praise God for giving the team the opportunity to print TGJ. Pray that many teachers will be trained this year and that many children will be involved in TGJ. Praise God for the 15,000 children who have heard about the love of Christ this past season. Praise God for the children’s clubs and the new churches that have started following as a result of the distributions. 31 Pray God will open doors and allow the team to easily receive next season’s shoeboxes, especially in light of the new shipment rules. Pray God provides the right people to serve as Prayer Coordinator, Logistics Coordinator, and on the RLTs. Pray for the team as they prepare for an upcoming meeting with the local pastors. Pray the pastors will be open to OCC. Swaziland Praise God for the successful finish of TGJ classes and for the graduation of 1,100 children at the first ever graduation event in the country. Praise God for multiplication and that more children graduated than initially started TGJ as the children not only remained faithful to the classes, but also invited their friends to attend! Praise God for the unity that is growing between churches as a result of OCC and TGJ. Tanzania Praise God for the successful distribution of all the gift boxes. Praise God for allowing the team to reach out to new regions. Praise Him for the positive response OCC has had in these areas. Praise God for the provision of tax exemption for the upcoming season. Praise God for the success of TGJ and for the graduates who are now assisting with the program. Please pray the children who are attending TGJ classes will grow to love and serve the Lord. 32 Pray God provides the right people to serve on the new RLTs. Please pray the Regional Coordinator who is still recovering from a motorcycle accident. Togo Praise God for His faithfulness to the NLT and His continued guidance. Praise God for a very successful year in spite of many obstacles. Praise God for bringing forth people who are called to participate in OCC. Pray for the transition as the team selects a new National Coordinator. Pray for the team as they prepare for the upcoming nConnect. Pray God uses the conference to make the team and OCC in Togo more effective. Trinidad and Tobago Praise God for the success of the special distribution. Praise God for allowing the sun to shine during that distribution, especially given that it was during the rainy season. Praise Him for the 95 children who accepted Christ as their Savior at that distribution. Praise God for the teachers and children who participated in TGJ. Pray for the protection of children in Trinidad and Tobago. Pray God provides them with Christian mentors. Pray the government submits to the will of God. 33 Uganda Praise God for providing mosquito nets for the children graduating from TGJ. Praise God for the High Impact training that two RLTs were able to attend. Praise God for the successful distributions during the 2012-2013 season. Pray God provides the right people to serve on the new district team and as ministry partners. Pray for the unity of all the leadership teams. Pray God provides the resources needed for the upcoming season. Ukraine Praise God for the 20,000 children enrolled in TGJ. Praise God for the new RLT. Pray for the teachers as they disciple the children. Pray they are able to lead the children to Christ. Pray for wisdom as the team organizes and prepares for the upcoming nConnect. Pray it will be a blessing and encouragement to the teams. Uruguay Pray for the training of the newly recruited teams. 34 Pray the Holy Spirit guides the National Leadership Team and Regional Leadership Team as they implement the strategic plan for OCC in Uruguay Pray the churches have a successful TGJ program and graduation. Pray they are able to submit their follow-up reports in a timely manner. Vietnam Pray God softens the heart of those involved with the People’s Aid Coordination Committee, which manages non-profit organizations. Pray they will allow OCC to continue sharing the gift of God’s love with the children of Vietnam. Pray for the provinces and cities where OCC will be working this season. Please pray especially for Ninh Binh as this will be the first time OCC has held distributions there. Pray God opens the hearts and minds of everyone living in these areas. Pray for the NLT, OCC volunteers, pastors, evangelist, and other church workers/members. Pray God grants them His wisdom and strength. Pray God will enable the churches as they play a key role in leading people to Christ and in implementing OCC. Pray God opens the door for churches to freely share the Gospel with the children. Zambia Praise God for the successful Harvest trip. Praise God for the three new sRLT members in Lusaka. 35 Pray God provides the right people to serve in the two open positions on the NLT. Pray for the former NLT members as they begin working as IFRs. Pray for unity and clear communication between the NLT, sRLT, and regional office. Zimbabwe Praise God for the three new members in the sRLT in Bulawayo. Praise God for the strength and commitment of the NLT and RLT members. Pray that OCC will continue to be a catalyst for the evidence of the unity of the body of Christ in Zimbabwe. Pray for peace as the country will have elections this year. Sensitive Countries MENA- Sensitive Country Praise God for the successful trainings and ministry partner recruitments held earlier this year. Pray for the current political situation in this country, as well as other Arab nations. Pray for the continuation of OCC in the midst of growing challenges. Pray for the recruitment of servant-leaders called to support the NLT. 36 Pray God provides the necessary resources for this coming season. MENA- Sensitive Country Pray God opens the mayor’s heart to OCC so that he will grant the team’s exoneration request. Pray God gives the National Coordinator grace in the eyes of the government officials. MENA- Sensitive Country Pray God opens new doors so that the team can reach more children. Pray for the protection and unified vision of the distribution team. Pray God grants His wisdom to the team as they screen and select ministry partners. RECA- Sensitive Country Praise God for the nConnect held last month. Praise God for the success of the pilot program for The Discovery Workbook this year. Please pray God provides His wisdom as the team works to expand the program this year. Pray for wisdom as leadership selects the new RLT team members and begins the task of equipping the new team. Pray for the vision-casting, recruitment, and selection processes as the NLT looks for a new Logistics Coordinator and a new Resources Coordinator. 37 RECA- Sensitive Country Pray God grants His wisdom and protection to the team. Southern Africa- Sensitive Country Praise God for the renewed commitment of the NLT members. Praise God for the first container coming this year. Pray for wisdom as the team recruits a new Discipleship Coordinator. Pray for this season’s distributions and TGJ classes. Southern Africa- Sensitive Country Praise God for the first TGJ graduation in this country. Pray for peace in the country so that the distributions won’t be interrupted. West and Central Africa- Sensitive Country Praise God for a surprise fourth container this year! Praise God for the unity between the local churches and OCC. Pray that the government decides to reimburse the team for lost finances. Pray for the political and economic situation in the country and that elections will be held soon. Pray that the country is not totally converted to Islam, as there is a strong push for that. 38 West and Central Africa- Sensitive Country Praise God for the finalized logistic plan for the extra container the team is receiving. Praise God for the work He is doing in the lives of children who have received shoe boxes. Pray God uses OCC as means of saving at least 15,000 children in 2013. Pray the church leaders embrace the vision of OCC. Pray God opens the hearts of the ch ildren so that they will choose to participate in TGJ. Pray for the collaboration of the NLT and RLT. Pray that God provides the resources needed for the upcoming season. Affiliate Offices/Partner Ministries Australia Praise God for His appointment of the new staff in New Zealand. Please pray for the new staff members as they settle in to their roles and seek God’s guidance in taking OCC forward in New Zealand. Praise Him for the opportunity to recruit a new Regional Manager for Sydney. Pray for the team as they seek to increase OCC’s presence in Sydney. Praise God for the successful launches, conferences, road trips, and recruitment events that have taken place throughout Australia. 39 Pray for the health of the staff and their family members as they prepare for the 2013 collection and sending season. Pray God strengthens the unity of the team and enables them to be of one mind, one spirit, and one accord as they work to move OCC forward in Australia and New Zealand. Canada Praise God for the new participating churches and collection centers across Canada. Praise God for a full team of Regional Managers and the growing number of Connect volunteers. Praise God for the many opportunities volunteers have this summer to represent Christ and OCC in parades, at fairs, and at summer festivals. Please pray God provides warehouse space in Toronto to serve as a third processing center. Pray for the OCC volunteers and collection centers that have been affected by recent flooding in Southern Alberta. Please pray for the staff and volunteers in Ontario and Alberta as they implement a new shipping system this year. Japan Praise God for opening doors and connecting the office to networks with extensive church connections. 40 Praise God the churches in tsunami-affected areas have decided to again use OCC to reach out to tsunami survivors by planning packing parties where they can fellowship and to do something for others. Pray that God will use OCC for the salvation of souls in Japan, as well as in the countries that received the shoeboxes. Pray OCC will become widely known in Japan. Spain Praise God for the Coordination Seminar held in May. Praise Him for the 45 attendees. Praise God for the upcoming OCC 2013 Launch Party. Praise God for the National Coordinator and his wife. Pray for them as they begin their first year of marriage. Pray for the Area Coordinators as they begin the process of finding the right people to serve on the Area Teams. Pray God will open the doors for boxes from Spain to reach new countries. United Kingdom Praise God for His Spirit that enables the staff and volunteers to do more than seems possible. Praise God for the donors and all that they give to OCC- skills, gifts, time, venues, etc. Pray God blesses them and multiples what they give. 41 Praise God for the many churches who support OCC and who encourage their fellow believers to support the project as well. Pray for all of the staff members who are implementing the High Impact model. Pray God unites the team in their understanding of HI principles and in their efforts to use them to better serve Him. Pray the volunteers who have completed E1 are encouraged and inspired to join the staff in their efforts. Pray for the Area Teams as they work through the Connect process and begin to prepare for the upcoming Countdown/Launch events. Pray for the health and safety of all the staff and volunteers. United States Domestic Praise God for the service of the Church Relations volunteers who continue to engage churches with the opportunity to bring the Gospel through shoeboxes. Praise God for the partnership of nearly 80,000 churches across the US. Pray for the ten Church Relations Associates who will be working with churches in areas without volunteers. Pray they would remain diligent and faithful as God directs their work. Pray a record number of churches and church groups choose to participate in OCC this year and bring as many Gospel opportunities as possible. United States International– Southern Africa Region Praise God the IFRs were able to travel 300 days so far this year. 42
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 11:38:23 +0000

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