3-23-2014-- Listening for God and Studying His Word---In order for - TopicsExpress


3-23-2014-- Listening for God and Studying His Word---In order for us to apply Gods directions to our everyday lives, we must first listen carefully as God speaks to us personally through His Word. Like Samuel, we should say, Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening. As Jesus so wonderfully stated, My sheep know My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. One of the most amazing aspects of Scripture is that it is alive and active, not dead and dull. Indeed, God still speaks today through the mystery of His Word. The Holy Spirit illumines our minds to what is revealed in Scripture. As is well said, the Holy Spirit makes us wise up to what is written, not beyond it.: Before I became a Christian, reading the Bible was like reading someone elses mail. Now, however, the Scriptures have become letters from God addressed to directly and specifically to me. While we listen, we must also test the spirits. As John, the apostle of love warns, Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Satans foremost strategy of spiritual seduction is to disguise himself as an angel of light. His slickest slogan is, Feel, dont think. Gods Spirit, on the other hand, illumines our minds so that we may listen and understand what He has freely given us. Scripture exhorts us to study to show thyself approved to God, workmen who do not need to blush with embarrassment, correctly handling the word of Truth. In examining Scripture, it is typically best to start with one good translation and then to stick to it. This will provide you with consistency as well as help you in the process of memorizing Scripture. In studying, however, it is best to use a number of good Bible translations. there are many reliable translations available today. an example of a good word-for-word translation is the New American Standard (NASB).A great thought -for-thought translation is the New International Version (NIV). It is extremely reliable as well as extraordinarily readable. The New King James Version (NKJV) is a superior translation in that it preserves the legacy of a common English Bible while taking into consideration manuscripts discovered since the commissioning of the original King James Version (KJV) in 1604 and its initial completion in 1611. While the Bible is so perspicuous that a child can fathom it, it is likewise so profound that a theologian can drown in it. As such, we must ever be mindful to study Scripture in light of Scripture. One cannot comprehend the Bible as a whole without comprehending its individual parts, nor comprehend its individual parts without comprehending the Bible as a whole. To aid in your study of Scripture, it is helpful to not only have a good translation, but also a Bible commentary which serves as a check and balance through which you can evaluate your insights by the insights of others. One such commentary book is the International Commentary which is based on the NIV translation. Next, a concordance is an indispensable tool. You can find every citation of every word used in the Bible, along with a half-sentence excerpt to help you recognize the verse. One such concordance is called Strongs. This book allows you to compare English words with the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Next, a bible dictionary will give you access to information about the history, culture, people, places, and events in Scripture. One of the best is Nelsons New Illustrated Dictionary and another is the New Bible Dictionary. Jesus said, I am the bread of Life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and He who believes in me will never be thirsty. (spiritually). It is my passionate prayer that these things will help and assist you in your daily listening and studying of gods Holy Word in order that you may grow spiritually and be able to hear and discern the Word and Will of God in your life! have a great day, IN THE LORD, dear friends! Shalom!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 13:33:53 +0000

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