3 Cheers for Indian Military Forces & so proud of our Rockstar PM. - TopicsExpress


3 Cheers for Indian Military Forces & so proud of our Rockstar PM. ✌✊ OUR MASSIVE MILITARY RETALIATION ON BASTARDISED PAKISTANI FORCES: (What Main Stream Media (MSM) will not tell u) This is based on what I have gathered from a mix of civil servants, certain political actors and significant folks within our armed services. Some of this may perhaps be viewed as apocryphal by certain people but its from entirely trustworthy sources as far as I am concerned. Heres whats going on: 1.The PMO explicitly intervened 48 hrs ago in the wee hours of Monday & asked our forces to initiate all out punitive retaliation 2. Since then our field artillery including medium 105 & 120 mm guns &155 mm howitzers, heavy rocket batteries and 100 & 81 mm mortar units have been blasting every inch of Pakistani soil within 1 km of the border/ LoC from Kargil to Rajouri, RS Pura to Jammu 3. More than 10,000 shells have been fired & over 500,000 rounds of light & heavy machine guns 4. Pakis have suffered around 165 casualties which includes 85 military personnel. Most of the other 80 casualties are not civilian either. If u r wondering who they are, please connect the dots. 5. Approximately 80-90 Pakistani posts have been either fully destroyed or compromised severely to render them operationally ineffective 6. About 400-450 jihadis waiting to cross over hv been shifted back to their staging area frm forward areas 7. We have now deployed Brahmos batteries across the entire international border. 8. This is only the beginning. Paki war-nuts have now scurried off to the UN & officially sought help to reign in our forces who have been given a free hand to fight effectively 9. Our armed forces r jubilant as this is the first time since 1999 tht they hv been given a free hand 10.Incidentally our ammunition stocks, which reached an all time precarious low under the UPA regime have now been substantially re-stocked and we have sufficient reserves to fight long engagements or intense wars 11. We have kept strike jets on standby and strike corps of the army to staging areas. Tank brigades are ditto. Western Naval Command is on full alert. This response is just in support of more than adequate border elements who are punishing Pakis & not to be construed as a war move Do not subscribe to rubbish stories promoted in MSM by erstwhile political powers re: the PM is doing nothing. This is a national response & for the 1st time its being handled right. First principle: u cannot reason with Pakistan. Incidentally, the Chinese backed down from Chumar faced with uncharacteristic aggression from our army boys who sent in 1,500 soldiers to confront 1,000 Chinese. The Chinese blinked first. I must add that finally the Indian security establishment has begun implementing the Aggressive Defensive doctrine that Ajit Doval, our NSA has espoused repeatedly while he was a private citizen. This is parallel to the type of strategy used by Israel but applied on a wider & even more complex theatre. JAI HIND Forwarded from one patriotic INDIAN
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:26:28 +0000

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