3 couples met up this morning at school. each time the girl wa on - TopicsExpress


3 couples met up this morning at school. each time the girl wa on her phone texting, glowing with a big smile on her face, looking out for her special someone. When he showed up she was even happier to see him, she bounced around, planted kisses on him, and was generally really cute and happily infatuated. Each time, the boyfriend stood there, smiled briefly, and than immediately put his hands in his pockets and looked around like he didnt want to be there. Of course each guy had saggy pants, a hat, and was relatively good-looking. (short-haired military type) I just dont understand, I mean obviously a guy would be prone to show less emotion than a girl, but still I mean woman dont you want more of a reaction than that? Or am I crazy? I wouldnt have even brought this up of I didnt see this happen on a consistent basis with couples of all ages. In other news I love Janelle Patch and if I am ever found guilty of putting my hands in my pockets and looking aroubd absently when we meet may you flog me viciously with the nearest blunt object you can find.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 17:12:46 +0000

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