3 innocent teenagers were kidnapped and murdered. Is their - TopicsExpress


3 innocent teenagers were kidnapped and murdered. Is their nationality really all that important? Yes and no. Yes because if I told you they were Israeli, trolls side with the Palestinians and their “plight.” No, because no child should ever fear abduction or murder regardless of where they come from. Lets focus on what’s important. These teenagers had no skin in the game. They were not Soldiers, Mosad, IDF. They were not terrorists or even soccer hooligans. In fact, they may have been a part of a younger generation who believes in peace, had Arab friends, or believed in a two state solution. We don’t know. What we know is that they were children. Children who were stalked, kidnapped, and murdered. How should people react to such a horrible occurrence? If you are me, you fear for your own children. If you are a Palestinian, you celebrate in the streets. Celebrate. The reaction of Palestinians in Gaza is not to say, “this should never happen to anyone, Palestinian, Israeli, or other.” It is to celebrate that innocent children were stalked, kidnapped, and murdered. I’m not making this up, and they are not shy about it. There is simply no place in this world for such a people. The world should be outraged. The world including Arab nations. These people who hide in your homes and fire missiles and put your children at risk are monsters. They are the boogeymen who put your children at risk, except that they are real. They want only one thing in this world and it isn’t land. It is the murder of Jews. There is no disputing this; they are open about it. The following quote has been stolen from the movie “A Time to Kill” and amended (barely): I want to tell you a story. Im going to ask you all to close your eyes while I tell you the story. I want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to yourselves. Go ahead. Close your eyes, please. This is a story about three young teenage boys, walking home one sunny afternoon. I want you to picture them. Suddenly a truck races up. Two men jump out and grab them. They drag them into a nearby field and they tie them up. They tell them they are going to die. They are murdered, each shot for no reason. Can you see them? Their scared faces, covered in their own blood, left to be discovered under a pile of rocks? Can you see them? I want you to picture those three young teenage boys. Now imagine they are American. We, as people who live in this world in this time, must take a stand against people who would celebrate the murder of innocent people.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 03:08:44 +0000

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