30. 10 . 13 ~ Bagbin Lab ban: .....And, İ will tell you - TopicsExpress


30. 10 . 13 ~ Bagbin Lab ban: .....And, İ will tell you another story. Now in Ghana, doctors who are done with medical school and are licensed to practise could ONLY OWN private medical facilities post a MANDATORY FİVE YEAR PRACTİCE. Why is that? Some think it is a way of RETAİNİNG medical personnel in our public facilities. But you know what? First İ would admit to you that for me, if it is MONEY İ personally would NOT recommend medical practice. İ am experienced enough to know that most money is gotten elsewhere. İt is even not from politics either! İf you ask me about loads of money, it is elsewere! So if İ desire to be wealthy, my first option would be NEİTHER medicine nor politics! For most practitioners, mostly the practice is to keep family going. Private practice and similar options rake in little more. Those who make it good would be comfortable or very comfortable. But they aint wealthy generally via medicine, that İ WOULD TELL YOU. But the policy maker looks on and reasons that people are in a hurry to LEAVE Ghana or go into private practice for the purpose of making MONEY. The thinking is that there İS money pool in there. Remedy? Make it ONLY permissible to own a private practice after FİVE YEARS of practice! Many other reasons may be given. But tell you what, EVERYTHİNG is about money! İf you dig deeper, it İS ALWAYS about money!! And here is the baby remedy. Now, whats wrong with such thinking? Rich kid doctors could have their parents put up a private facility and get it registered in the name of a third party doctor who may NOT have the means to immediately do so. The new rich doctor could always dawg public practice after the two - year - mandatory housejob and join the fray working in the fathers made possible via a third person! You get the drift? People get married to daughters of elderly doctors and become absorbed in their already established private facilities. And some would still write USMLE and leave for the US, or resort to private work for others via locum till whenever! Some would shun medical practice all together for other jobs!!! The CORE İSSUE of retaining medics in public practice isnt gonna be solved by this therefore! Bagbins is on a similar trajectory. İf he proposed punitive measures for perpetrators and he would ensure it is carried through, if via his clout he would ensure the supervisors are also punished ( he was once Health Minister and that should help ), if he would propose we begin educating our kids and young ones properly in why we DO NOT STEAL, if he is advocating and ensuring the anti corruption agencies are empowered and are working effectively, if he is proposing the expansion and building of MORE prison facilities for these deviants, and he added the ban on lab ownership say by such workers in the circumstances described unless certain regulations are satisfied ( because NO ONE CAN BAN ANY ONE BY FİAT really ) İ would applaud him! The ban ALONE is quatenary; İ would say once more!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:58:03 +0000

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