3063 words done for the day. 36, 501/90000 words to go. I - TopicsExpress


3063 words done for the day. 36, 501/90000 words to go. I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter, I really need it now. N Day 207 A hero arises “I’ve seen this movie before!” Shouted Trippy at the Lycans as they slammed the cage door shut behind us. I could hear their laughter and soft howling grow softer as they returned to their camp fire; they were at ease knowing we could not escape and that they would deal with us in the morning. I slammed my hand on the metal bars of the pen in frustration. I knew that I let my emotions override my in born common sense and that we should have waited for a better opportunity to try and free the woolies. And yet I stumbled in like a blind fool again. Bunny was still sniffling away, wiping the snot from her nose away with a claw. “I’m sorry I got you into this mess.” I said, leaning my head against the railings. Trippy punched me lightly on the leg, smiling and looking upwards. “It’s my fault Sammy; I should never have talked you into this. We should have just walked away and let it be. Stupid of us.” “It’s too late now; we have to stay strong, no matter what happens.” I replied. Bunny was just about to start sobbing again when I felt movement behind me. The Woolies were wide awake now and one by one the round balls of brown fur rose up. It struck me that they were an odd sort of creature with large hanging round noses, smallish paws barely visible under the sphere of their bodies and they had the most beautiful and piercing blue eyes imaginable. “Be at peace Samantha Worthington Day.” The Woolie in front of me spoke in a melancholic sing song voice but it felt like he was speaking in unison with the rest of the creatures. “How do you know my name?” I asked, unsure of what to make of them. “We know everything that happens in the dreamscape, in both human and monster alike. We have followed your progress Lightbringer, as we do with every living soul here and in the Shadow World. We were there when you dreamed and through your nightmares as well.” “And you let all this happen? I was told you had the power to keep those in need safe. Why didn’t you help Trippy and me along the way?” The beast closed his eyes and swayed softly to the universe around him. “That is simply not the way it works. We guide the travelers of this world when they enter the dream but we never interfere. It is not our place to change the path chosen for all of us.” “So you’re just going to let all this happen? Just march straight into the jaws of these slobbering bastards?” Trippy shouted out as Bunny snuggled happily deeper into the side of a nearby Woolie. “Davorich Eiken Trippendorf, we have enjoyed walking through your dreams, from your early youth to now. You have been interesting to say the very least. It’s always entertaining if not a bit disturbing to see you in the Dreamscape.” “I aim to please but you didn’t answer my question. You are just giving up? Like lambs to the bloody slaughter?” “It is the way of the universe little lionheart, if it is meant to end like this, then we embrace our destiny. The spirits of the Woolies will return to the great collective and it will never fade away.” “I don’t believe that.” I shook my head in disbelief. “The time of the great dreaming is over Lightbringer. The humans are passing from this world and those left behind will soon forget us, their minds are too dark to believe in us anymore. The path is set and cannot be changed.” “I choose my own path and nobody tells me differently.” I said in an ice cold tone. “The fight is over Samantha and there is nobody that can stand against the darkness. Just accept it and let your spirit join with the collective. Its how it’s meant to be.” And with that the beasts closed their eyes and settled down on the ground again, leaving the three of us standing aghast by ourselves again. “Is this how far we’ve fallen Sammy? That even the ones supposed to be guarding us has given up? Trippy bowed his head and shook it sadly. “Not like this, not like this.” I replied, sitting down and resting my head against the bars. I had to clear my mind and think of a way out of this predicament. I could try picking the lock but then what? The guards on the outside will be on hyper alert now and ready for anything. We would not even make it to the hills before the Lycans would pounce on us. The best thing to do is try to escape when the Woolies are on the move in the morning. But there would be no saving those who didn’t want to be saved. The first chance I get, I would grab the Imps and scarper and if it meant leaving the Woolies behind, then so be it. A silence fell on the encampment and the two Imps snuggled deeper under my arms for warmth. Soon I heard them snoring beneath me but I couldn’t fall asleep yet, too much to think about. I didn’t show it, but inside I was raging with anger. I was sick and tired of being a prisoner, am it with the lunatics of the Broken Cross or the flea invested Lycans. Since I put foot on this damn continent, all I’ve been doing was fleeing from the Horde and every damn maniac I’ve come across and I had enough of it. This shit stops now. I stayed awake till the sun rose over the Pennsylvania hills and I could hear the Lycans waking up and dousing their camp fires. They were certainly not wasting any time and were most likely eager to get the Woolies back to the main Lycan camp for the impending feast. They broke down the metal cage and started herding us into a large group. I managed to climb up a nearby Woolie, pulling the Imps up behind me. The great beasts started moving as one, a giant lumbering herd sauntering forward over the plains, sending dust clouds into the air. The Lycans rode on Wargs, ugly dog like creatures that reeked of blood and bones, driving us forward with whips and clubs. I never stopped looking for a way out, trying to see where they left a gap in their defenses. But none came. “I hope you’re working on a plan boss, seriously I do.” Trippy said from in front of me. Even Bunny gave me a worried look. I was about to say something to them when I heard an unmistakable swishing sound piercing through the air. “Watch out!” I pushed the Imps down as an arrow flashed past us, striking a nearby Lycan squarely in the chest. Panic broke out in the herd as we saw two groups of horsemen from the North and South charging down the hill, brandishing axes and bows. Ben, Trippy’s family and the rest of the villagers were riding to our rescue. The Lycans howled angrily and charged recklessly at their attackers. It worked like a charm, splitting the wolf riders in two. “Now’s our chance! We got to get this lot moving!” I shouted as Bunny bounced past me. She looked back innocently at us, then brandished a massive set of razor sharp fangs and bit the Woolie hard on the backside. The normally docile beast hollered in pain and reared back on its short legs before storming forward. This had the desired effect on the herd as they stampeded, crushing the Lycans in front of them under their feet. It was a quite a sight, seeing a pack of round furballs charging en masse over the plains. “How do we stop?” Screamed Trippy at me, holding on for dear life. “Haven’t figured that part out yet!” “Good to know!” We were in sight of a narrowing in the hill where we could escape into when suddenly, the Woolie we were riding on veered to the side, sending Trippy and I tumbling to the floor. The wind was knocked from us as we lay in the dust, looking up at the scene unfolding before us. Ben and the rest had managed to distract the Lycans for a couple of moments but it didn’t last long. They broke away from the fight and set their sights on the fleeing pack of Woolies again. It would be no contest; they were miles faster than the lumbering pack before them. And they would catch up in minutes if that. It would be a bloodbath. “They’re not going to make it, I’ll hold them back till they reach the narrowing, and it will give them a chance at least. Go with them Trippy.” I said, turning and facing the incoming Lycan swarm. Trippy just rolled his eyes and smiled while tapping the frying pan in his claw. “Yeah, that’s going to happen.” I said nothing, focusing my mind on the task ahead. There was nothing but darkness in front of me but I could feel the earth shaking as the pack thundered over the ground. I spread my arms out, feeling the cold winter sun breaking through the clouds. The light became stronger in me, building up like an unquenchable firestorm, dormant till the moment it was truly needed. Streaks of pure light whipped around my body, sending bolts of energy hurtling in all directions. I became the eye in the storm as I opened my blackened eyes and screamed in an unholy voice. A shield of the purest white energy appeared, spanning meters across. Trippy’s jaw fell open in amazement as he stared in wonder at the sight. The Lycans were thrown for a second, unsure of what to make of all this before their base instincts took over. They slammed into the wall of light, over and over again; pushing me backwards as I strained at the enormous effort. “Just have to keep them back a few more moments.” The thought flashed through my aching mind as the blood started dripping from my hands. Meanwhile, the Woolies had stopped and were looking back at me. Bunny had hopped off and was giving them a dirty look before pointing a claw in my direction. “Looks whats the lady is doing. She fights for us, she fights for you. I hopes you’re happy.” She said angrily. The Woolies looked at each other then quietly whispered a word: Sacrifice. They kept repeating it louder and louder, till it echoed off the stone walls and became a roaring chorus. “Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Sacrifice!” They chanted as a dark energy built around them. Even from a distance away and the Lycans tearing at the shield, I could hear the Woolies as the crescendo grew. “What’s going on back there?” I shouted back at Trippy. “The Dreamkeepers are alive.” He said softly in awe. The dark energy flew over the ground and folded itself around the Lycans. The Wolves’ eyes rolled back in their skulls and they fell to their knees in pain. The shield faded away as we felt ourselves rising off the ground and enter an ethereal portal. “Hold on kid! We’re entering the Dreamscape! Trippy shouted as we hurtled forward into the light. Streaks of red, blue and green surrounded us as we kept on falling, unsure where the Woolies were taking us. With a bump, we hit the ground and I looked up. I could see. I was dressed in a glowing, white robe and in my hand stood a sword of pure energy, gleaming in the darkness surrounding us. I looked down at Trippy. He had a suit of green armor on and his frying pan had turned into a lance. The Lycans stood across us, bewildered and panic stricken. I nodded at him and we charged at the beasts with a chant of victory. We tore into the wolves, sword and lance rendering flesh as we hacked away mercilessly. My blade arched in the air, cutting open a path through the Lycans. We moved gracefully through the pack, stabbing and slashing as they fell one by one at our feet. The wolves had no chance against us, the light was simply too strong. The blood and fallen spirits of the Lycans faded into the dark recesses of the Dreamscape till only one wolf stood before us. It was strange to see the hunter of the night reduced to a quivering mass of fur. He looked up at us and mumbled: “Mercy.” I stopped Trippy, just as he was about to impale the wolf with his lance. “Wait.” I Picked the Lycan up by the scruff of his throat till we were eye to eye. “Revelation six verses eight: And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and her name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with her. Go tell anyone you meet out there, be it man or beast that I am done running. Hell is coming for all of you and I will go through anyone that stands in my way. Tell them the Lightbringer sent you and let them tremble at my name. The war starts now and if they want to find me, I’ll be right at the front lines leading the charge.” I pushed his face away and he scampered into the night like a scolded dog. I turned and looked back at Trippy. He was admiring his suit of armor with a look of amazement on his face. “Kid…” He gulped and held up the green gauntlets, “I know this suit of armor; my mother told me the story when I was younger. Remember the song I sung of the Green Knight back in the Broken Cross prison? Well the legend is that the Green Knight only arrives once every few generations, when the world is at its darkest. They say that a hero will rise from the ashes and lead his people to safety. I don’t understand this Samantha, why would the armor choose me? I’m just a normal Imp, nothing more than that.” I smiled at him. “Because it saw the heart of a lion in you. The same one I see in you every day my friend. I would not be standing here without you and I would most likely be dead already. Your courage and conviction kept me going when I wanted to give up. You said it yourself, the Green Knight was not about size or how strong he was, it was about heart.” I tapped him on the chest and then I knew he understood. “Heart.” He repeated as the Dreamscape started to fade away around us. We fell back towards earth and landed on our feet. The gown, weapon, lance and armor had drifted away into nothingness. My sight was gone again as well. But strangely enough, I was okay with it. I knew where I belonged and what needed to be done. My fear was gone and my path was clear now. Nothing would stop me from gathering my army and marching on the dome. I will end this war, that I promise. The Lycans bodies turned to ashes and was blown away on the wind. The villagers had reached us and everyone was talking excitedly as they marveled at the Woolies. Trippy’s family was hugging him and Bunny tightly, almost squeezing the life from him. “It didn’t take us long to figure out what you were up to when we realized you and Bunny were missing. You gave your mother such a fright young man.” I heard Trippy’s father over the chatter. “Sorry pop, I know it wasn’t good for her health but I had to help Samantha.” He said with a foot tracing circles on the ground.” “Good for her health? The old girl got up off her backside and marched straight over to Ben. She demanded that something be done right there and then. I haven’t seen your mother that angry since she came second in the church bake sale all those years ago. We had to calm her down or she would have taken on the Lycans by herself if given half a chance. Of course he agreed to help you out of the pickle.” They roared with laughter and more hugging followed. I saw Ben walk over to me and shake my hand. “You’ve raised one hell of a hornets’ nest young lady.” He gave me an exasperated look. “I had no choice. I couldn’t leave them to die out here.” I replied. “I know you didn’t. But it seems your actions has started something. All the villages in the surrounding area are rallying to your cause and the word of your exploits are spreading like wildfire. Men are coming from all over the state and beyond to fight for you. It seems like you are in charge now, so what’s the plan?” “Send out messengers to as many locations across the country as you can. Any man or woman that can carry a weapon or help in a support capacity is to make their way to Los Angeles. We will gather at the dome and we will lay siege on the First Father. Trippy and I will gather as many of the creature of the light we can find along the way to the cause. We will end this war or die trying,” “Sounds like a plan. Speaking of, a message arrived for you at the camp a few hours ago. It was from a weird guy in a mask called Gantrax or something like that. He was quite worried when he couldn’t find you but he told me that he was in a great rush and couldn’t stay. Seems like there is a big meeting of the creatures planned up north and you are needed there. He gave me the directions there as well. I’m really not sure what all this means.” I nodded at him. “It’s all coming together, I will rally them to my cause and we will beat this darkness, by one way or another. This I promise you.” The Dome will fall. 40.270358,-76.545235 (Pennsylvania, USA)
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 09:07:50 +0000

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