350 question and u can crack any .Net interview for 0 to 2 exp. - TopicsExpress


350 question and u can crack any .Net interview for 0 to 2 exp. Q 1 >What Is CLR ? Q 2 What is CLR HOST? Q 3 What is CTS? Q 4 What is CLS? Q 5 What is an Intermediate Language? Q 6 What is Just In Time Compiler? Q 7 What is Portable executable (PE)? Q 8 What is Managed Code? Q 9 What is UnManaged Code? Q 10 What is Garbage Collector? Q 11 >What is a Strong Name? Q 12 What are the steps to create Strong Name? Q 13 What are the Problems faced using Strong Name? Q 14 What is Program Database? Q 15 What is Delay Signing? Q 16 What is an Assembly? Q 17 What are the Contents of an Assembly? Q 18 What are the Types of an Assemblies? Q 19 What is a Satellite assembly? Q 20 What are the Steps to Create Satellite Assembly? Q 21 >What is an Assembly Loader? Q 22 What is Multi Module Assembly or Assembly Linker? Q 23 What is an Assembly Manifest? Q 24 What is a Metadata? Q 25 What is a Base class in .Net? Q 26 What is Full Assembly Reference? Q 27 What is Partial Assembly Reference? Q 28 What is an Assembly Qualified Name? Q 29 What is ILDASM (Intermediate Language Disassembler)? Q 30 What is Global Assembly Cache? Q 31 >What is an Attribute? Q 32 What is Serialization & DeSerialization? Q 33 Where Serialization is used? Q 34 What are the types of Serialization available in .net? Q 35 What is Binary Serialization? Q 36 What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Binary Serialization? Q 37 What is SOAP Serialization? Q 38 What are the Advantages of SOAP Serialization? Q 39 What is a XML Serialization? Q 40 What are the Advantages of XML Serialization? Q 41 >What is Custom Serialization? Q 42 What is a Namespace? Q 43 What is GUID? Q 44 What is a Formatter? Q 45 What is a Binary Formatter? Q 46 What is a SOAP Formatter? Q 47 What is Reflection? Q 48 What is Thread and Process? Q 49 What are the difference between a Dll and an Exe? Q 50 What are Globalization and Localization? Q 51 >What is a Resource File? Q 52 What is Code Access Security(CAS)? Q 53 What is difference between Code Based Security and Role Based Security? Q 54 What is difference between Invoke and Begin Invoke Q 55 What is the difference between Debug and Trace? Q 56 What is a Debug version of a code? Q 57 What is a Release version of a code? Q 58 What is an IDisposable Interface? Q 59 What is Finalize block in .net? Q 60 What is Dispose block in .net? Q 61 >What is Runtime Host? Q 62 What is Connection Pooling? Q 63 What are the main parameters used by Connection Pooling? Q 64 What is Connection Pool Manager? Q 65 What is Object Pooling? Q 66 What are the Advantages of Object Pooling? Q 67 What is the Difference between Connection Pooling and Object Pooling? Q 68 What is an Indexer? Q 69 What are the important points to remember on indexers? Q 70 What is the Difference between Indexers and Properties? Q 71 >What are the different Access Modifiers available? Q 72 What are the differences between Class and Struts? Q 73 What are the Similarities between Class and Struts? Q 74 What is the term Virtual means? Q 75 What is a Sealed Class? Q 76 What is Polymorphism? Q 77 What are the Types of Polymorphism? Q 78 What is Method Overloading? Or What is Early Binding? Q 79 What is Method Overriding or What is Late Binding? Q 80 What is an Inheritance? Q 81 >What are the Types of Inheritance? Q 82 What is Multiple Inheritance? Q 83 What are the examples of Multiple Inheritance? Q 84 What are the Advantages of Inheritance? Q 85 What is an Encapsulation? Q 86 What are the examples of Encapsulation? Q 87 What is an Abstraction? Q 88 What are the examples of Abstraction? Q 89 Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction ? Q 90 What is an Abstract Class? Q 91 >What is an Interface? Q 92 What is a difference between Abstract Class and Interface? Q 93 What is a Constructor? Q 94 What is a Constructor chaining? Q 95 What are the Types of constructors? Q 96 What is a Private Constructor? Q 97 What is a Static Constructors? Q 98 What are the features of Static Constructor? Q 99 What is a Default Constructor? Q 100 What is a COPY Constructor? Q 101 >What is a Parameterized constructor? Q 102 What is a Singleton Class? Q 103 What is a Partial Class? Q 104 What is a Partial Method? Q 105 What is a Delegate? Q 106 What is a Syntax of Single class delegate? Q 107 What are the advantages of Delegates? Q 108 What is a Multicast Delegate? Q 109 What is an Event? Q 110 What is a Hash Table? Q 111 >What is the Constructor of Hashtable? Q 112 What is an Array? Q 113 What is a Single-dimensional arrays? Q 114 What is a Multidimensional arrays? Q 115 What are Jagged arrays? Q 116 What are Mixed Arrays? Q 117 What is an ArrayList? Q 118 What is the difference between Array and Array List? Q 119 What is the Difference between Array and Collections? Q 120 What is the difference between Array.Copy and Array.Clone? Q 121 >What is a Shallow Copy? Q 122 What is a Deep Copy? Q 123 What are the different String Compare options available? Q 124 What is a Statics Class Q 125 What are the advantages of using Static Class? Q 126 List some of the main features of a Static Class? Q 127 What is a Static Member? Q 128 What is a Static Variable? Q 129 What is a Static Method? Q 130 What is a Nested Class? Q 131 >What is Shadowing or Hiding? Q 132 What are Out and Ref parameters? Q 133 What are the differences of Out and Ref Parameters? Q 134 What are the differences between String and String Builder? Q 135 Why C# is strongly typed language? Q 136 What are Imperative and Interrogative function? Q 137 What is a Collection Class? Q 138 What are the differences between Const & Readonly? Q 139 What is a Stack? Q 140 What is a Heap? Q 141 >What are Value Types? Q 142 What are Reference Types? Q 143 What are Boxing and UnBoxing means? Q 144 What is Early Binding? Q 145 What is Late Binding? Q 146 What are the different WCF binding available? Q 147 What is a BasicHttpBinding? Q 148 What is a WSHttpBinding? Q 149 What is a NetTcpBinding? Q 150 What is a WSDualHttpBinding? Q 151 >What is an ASP.NET Application and Page Life Cycle? Q 152 What are the Steps for ASP.net environment creation? Q 153 What is the ASP.NET Page Life Cycle? Q 154 What is a Directive in ASP.Net? Q 155 What are the different Validation Controls in ASP.Net? Q 156 What is the Difference between User Control and Custom Control? Q 157 What is the Difference between Client Side and Server Side Code? Q 158 What is the Difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect? Q 159 What are the different IIS Isolation Levels in ASP.Net? Q 160 What are the different Authentication Modes available in ASP.Net? Q 161 >What is Windows Authentication Mode in ASP.Net? Q 162 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Windows Authentication Mode? Q 163 What is Form Authentication Mode in ASP.Net? Q 164 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Form Authentication Mode? Q 165 What is Passport Authentication Mode in ASP.Net? Q 166 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Passport Authentication Mode? Q 167 What is None Authentication Mode in ASP.Net? Q 168 What are the advantages and disadvantages of None Authentication Mode? Q 169 What are the different IIS authentications available? Q 170 What is an Event Bubbling? Q 171 >What are the differences between Machine.Config and a Web.Config files in Asp.Net? Q 172 What is an Authentication? Q 173 What is an Authorization? Q 174 What is an Impersonation? Q 175 What is Autopostback event in ASP.Net? Q 176 What is Tracing in ASP.Net Q 177 What is Scavenging? Q 178 What are Trace Listeners? Q 179 What is the difference between Respose.Write and Response.Output.Write? Q 180 What is SmartNavigation? Q 181 >What is a State Management in ASP.Net? Q 182 What are the different management objects available with Client & Server Side Stage Management? Q 183 How to Pass values between pages? Q 184 What is a View State? Q 185 What are the Benefits of ViewState? Q 186 What are the Limitations of ViewState? Q 187 What is an EnableViewState in ASP.Net? Q 188 What are Hidden Fields in ASP.Net? Q 189 What are the Benefits of Hidden Fields in ASP.Net? Q 190 What are the Limitations of Hidden Fields in ASP.Net? Q 191 >What are Hidden Frames in ASP.Net? Q 192 What are the Benefits of Hidden Frames in ASP.Net? Q 193 What are the Limitations of Hidden Frames in ASP.Net? Q 194 What is a Cookie in ASP.Net? Q 195 What are the examples of Cookie usage in ASP.Net? Q 196 What are the Types of Cookies in ASP.Net? Q 197 What are the Benefits of Cookies in ASP.Net? Q 198 What are the Limitations of Cookies in ASP.Net? Q 199 What is the relation between Cookies and Session State? Q 200 What is a Cookieless Session in ASP.Net? Q 201 >What are the Advantages of Session? Q 202 What are the Disadvantages of Session? Q 203 What is an In Proc Mode of storing sessions? Q 204 What are the Advantages of InProc Sessions? Q 205 What are the Disadvantages of InProc Sessions? Q 206 What is a State Server Mode of Storing Sessions? Q 207 What are the Advantages of State Server Session? Q 208 What are the Disadvantages of State Server Session? Q 209 What is a SQL Server Mode of Storing Session? Q 210 What are the Advantages of SQL Server mode Session? Q 211 >What are the Disadvantages of SQL Server modes? Q 212 What is Custom Session Mode in ASP.Net? Q 213 What are the Advantages of using Custom Session Mode in ASP.Net? Q 214 What are the Disadvantages of using Custom Session Mode in ASP.Net? Q 215 What is a Query String in ASP.Net? Q 216 What are the Benefits of a Query String in ASP.Net? Q 217 What are the Limitations of a Query String in ASP.Net? Q 218 What is Cross Page Posting in ASP.Net? Q 219 What is SQL Cache Dependency in ASP.Net? Q 220 What is Global.asax in ASP.Net? Q 221 >What are the Event available in Global.asax? Q 222 What is Caching in ASP.Net? Q 223 What are the Types of Caching in ASP.Net? Q 224 How to cache different versions of the same page in ASP.Net? Q 225 What is a Fragment Cache in ASP.Net? Q 226 What are Resource Files in ASP.Net? Q 227 What are the Types of Resource Files available in ASP.Net? Q 228 What is a Local Resource File in ASP.Net? Q 229 What is a Global Resource File in ASP.Net? Q 230 What are the main tags in Web.Config file of ASP.Net application? Q 231 >What is the use of tag in ASP.Net Web.Config File? Q 232 What is the use of tag in ASP.Net Web.Config File? Q 233 What is the use of tag in ASP.Net Web.Config File? Q 234 What is the use of tag in ASP.Net Web.Config File? Q 235 What is the use of tag in ASP.Net Web.Config File? Q 236 What is the use of tag in ASP.Net Web.Config File? Q 237 What is the use of tag in ASP.Net Web.Config File? Q 238 What is the use of tag in ASP.Net Web.Config File? Q 239 What is HTTP GET in ASP.Net? Q 240 What is HTTP POST in ASP.Net? Q 241 >What is Normalization in SQL Server? Q 242 What is a De-Normalization in SQL Server? Q 243 What are the different Normalization Forms in SQL Server? Q 244 What is a Stored Procedure in SQL Server? Q 245 What are the Advantages of Stored Procedure in SQL Server? Q 246 What are the DisAdvantages of Stored Procedure in SQL Server? Q 247 What is a User Defined Functions in SQL Server? Q 248 What is a Scalar value-returning User Defined Function in SQL Server? Q 249 What is an In Line Table User Defined Function in SQL Server? Q 250 What is a Multistatement Table User Defined Function in SQL Server? Q 251 >What are the Advantages of User Defined Functions? Q 252 What are the DisAdvantages of User Defined Functions? Q 253 What is the difference between a Stored Procedure and Functions? Q 254 What is a Trigger? Q 255 What is a DML Trigger? Q 256 What is a DDL Trigger? Q 257 What is a CLR Trigger? Q 259 What are the DisAdvantages of Triggers? Q 260 What are Views in SQL Server? Q 261 >What are the Types of VIEW? Q 262 How Views ensure security of data? Q 263 List some of the common examples of views? Q 264 What are the Limitations of views? Q 265 What are Linked Servers in SQL Server? Q 266 What are the Advantages of Linked Servers? Q 267 What is a Cursor in SQL Server? Q 268 What are the steps to Create Cursor in SQL Server? Q 269 What are the Types of Cursors in SQL Server? Q 270 What are the Cursor Optimization Tips available? Q 271 >What are the Cursor Alternatives? Q 272 What are the Limitations of Cursors? Q 273 What is a SubQuery? Q 274 What are the Properties of Subquery? Q 275 What are the Types of Subquery? Q 276 What is a Correlated Subquery? Q 277 What are the Properties of Correlated Subquery? Q 278 What are the different Authentication options and Authentication Modes in SQL Server? Q 279 What is a Windows Authentication Mode? Q 280 What is a Mixed Authentication Mode(Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication)? Q 281 >How to Select an Authentication Mode in SQL Server? Q 282 What is an Identity? Q 283 What are INNER JOINs in SQL? Q 284 What is a LEFT OUTER JOIN in SQL? Q 285 What is a RIGHT OUTER JOIN in SQL? Q 286 What is a FULL OUTER JOIN in SQL? Q 287 What is an EQUI JOIN in SQL? Q 288 What is a CROSS JOIN in SQL? Q 289 What is a SELF JOIN in SQL? Q 290 What is a NATURAL JOIN in SQL? Q 291 >What is Log shipping? Q 292 What is an Index? Q 293 How to Create an Effective Index? Q 294 What are the Types of Indexes available? Q 295 What is the difference between Primary Key and a Unique Key? Q 296 What is the difference between Delete and a Truncate? Q 297 What is a Clustered Index? Q 298 What is a Non Clustered Index? Q 299 What is the difference between Clustered and Non Clustered Index? Q 300 What is BCP used in SQL? Q 301 >What is the use of Having and Where Clause in SQL? Q 302 What is the difference between Having and Where Clause in SQL? Q 303 What is the Local Temporary Table? Q 304 What is the Global Temporary Table? Q 305 What is the difference between @@Error and @@Rowcount ? Q 306 What is a Service Broker in SQL? Q 307 What is Database Mirroring in SQL? Q 308 What is Extended Stored Procedure in SQL? Q 310 What is an Execution Plans in SQL? Q 311 >What is Dead Lock? Q 312 What is an example of Deadlock? Q 313 How to Resolve Deadlock? Q 314 What is Live Lock? Q 315 What is an example of Live Lock? Q 316 What are the options available to Move Database between servers? Q 317 What is Replication? Q 318 What is Union? Q 319 What is Union ALL? Q 320 List some of the DBCC (Database Console Commands for SQL Server) Commands? Q 321 >What is a Full Database Backup type in SQL? Q 322 What is a Differential Database Backup type in SQL? Q 323 What is a Transactional Log Database Backup type in SQL? Q 324 What is a Log Database Backup type in SQL? Q 325 What are the advantages of NoLock in SQL? Q 326 What are the disadvantages of NoLock in SQL? Q 327 What is GRANT command in SQL? Q 328 What is REVOKE command in SQL? Q 329 What is Privileges command in SQL? Q 330 What is Cascade command in SQL? Q 331 >What is the use of RESTRICT Keyword in SQL? Q 332 What is the use of DML in SQL? Q 333 What is the use of DDL in SQL? Q 334 What is the use of DCL in SQL? Q 335 What is the use of TCL in SQL? Q 336 What is the use of Wildcards in SQL? Q 337 What is the use of Aggregate functions? Q 338 What is the use of ROLLUP in SQL? Q 339 What is the use of CUBE in SQL? Q 340 What are the Differences between CUBE and ROLLUP? Q 341 >What is the use of CUBE Operator in SQL? Q 342 What is the Difference between ROLLUP and COMPUTE? Q 343 What is the use of COMPUTE in SQL? Q 344 What is the use of COMPUTE BY in SQL? Q 345 What is the use of With TIES in SQL? Q 346 What is the use of ALL & ANY operator in SQL? Q 347 What is the use of Master Database in SQL? Q 348 What is the use of MSDB Database in SQL? Q 349 What is the use of TEMPDB Database in SQL? Q 350 What is the use of MODEL Database in SQL
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 18:27:15 +0000

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