365 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR AMERICA Day 298 If PRAYER is changing me, - TopicsExpress


365 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR AMERICA Day 298 If PRAYER is changing me, PRAYER can change AMERICA!! VICTORY AHEAD There is victory ahead for every born-again child of GOD! “For whosoever is born of GOD overcomes the world and its lusts: and our consistent faith in our LORD JESUS CHRIST is the victory that triumphs over all the world has to offer” (1 John 5:4 paraphrased: trc…). Tucked away in the Apostle Paul’s concluding message in First Corinthians are these five instructions to living the victorious life in JESUS CHRIST: “Be watchful and alert! Stand firmly in the “life that you now live by the faith of the SON of GOD, Who loves you and has given HIS life for you!” Show yourself as a mature Christian man! Be stalwart and prepared to fight the good fight of faith! Season everything you do with your love for GOD and your neighbor” (1 Corinthians 16:13,14 paraphrased: trc…). 1. Always be on guard. “Be watchful and alert!” We are watchmen, a sentry on the wall, and the enemies are all around us. They endeavor to overwhelm us… the world without… the flesh within… and the devil attacking us from every side. Always be aware, alert and armed with the Sword of the SPIRIT and the Shield of Faith! 2. Stand firmly on the Rock Solid Foundation of obedience to GOD’S Word. “Stand fast in faith!” Stay put! Have spiritual principles by which you live! Satan’s objective is to shatter your faith. We must become people who live by the Word of GOD! Know what you believe and stick with it!! 3. We must mature, growing in grace and knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST! It’s time to grow up and take spiritual responsibilities seriously as a man of GOD! 4. Be strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS might! We are in a spiritual warfare! The enemy is strong, but the HOLY SPIRIT within us is greater than our satanic foe! To be stalwart is to be marked by outstanding strength and vigor of spirit, soul and body! Use common sense, and GOD will provide divine enablement!! 5. Commit yourself to love the LORD with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind: Then love your neighbor through GOD’S love! This is the hall-mark, the distinguishing feature of a Christian, to love CHRIST and show love to one another! There is victory ahead for everyone who is a child of GOD! William Grum wrote the following lyrics that we used to sing: VICTORY AHEAD William Grum 1905 When the hosts of Israel led by God, Round the walls of Jericho softly trod, Trusting in the Lord, They felt the conqueror’s tread, By faith they saw the victory ahead. Refrain Victory ahead, victory ahead, Through the blood of Jesus, victory ahead. Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqueror’s tread, By faith I see the victory ahead.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:07:40 +0000

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