38/52 Financial Freedom Focus 2013 “As I grow as a person, - TopicsExpress


38/52 Financial Freedom Focus 2013 “As I grow as a person, reaching higher levels of development, my personal worth rises as well.” Folks, I have to be honest. One of the reasons I have chosen to do the financial freedom focus this year is that I needed self-development in the arena of money. I’ve had a lot and I’ve lost a lot. It was time to get serious. I’m a ravenous reader and this year I’m approaching twenty books read. This weekend I read Go Pro – Eric Worre. His take on money and its relationship to development brought everything full circle for me. “From time to time in your life, your income might take a lucky jump. You might be in the right place at the right time. But if you don’t quickly grow as a person to that new higher level, your income is going to come back down to the level of who you really are. In the end, you only get to make what you are.” So, who are you? This week’s affirmation is about personal worth rising. Personal worth can be monetary worth, but it’s really about who you are as an individual. Do you move through life in a place of integrity? Are all areas of your life congruent with each other? Before this year, I would answer this as NO. Are you surprised by that? In all my years of spiritual development I still had not settled on my true purpose in life and it was showing up in the form of financial disaster. Remember, I went two years without a job. For the most part, I lost everything and found myself clinging onto the only thing I had left; faith and determination. I am grateful today to know my purpose; To Help Heal the Human Condition. And I no longer have to be at the ‘right’ job, or live in the ‘right’ place, working with the ‘right’ people to think I can finally have peace. My purpose is fulfilled every moment of every day regardless of where I am, doing whatever and with whomever. It’s a beautiful place to be and every day I claim the beauty of that and who I am. It’s such a relief and makes life fun, enjoyable and easy. How has this affected my financial picture? It’s huge. I really don’t want for much, but know that I am worth my weight in gold. I’ve found integrity in who I am financially and respect where I am, doing what I’m doing, and have the self-worth to stand in the middle of transformation. And in the midst of it all, the Lord said, “I will restore you 7x.” And he is. I’ve had to do my internal work for sure and it continues every day. “As I grow as a person, reaching higher levels of development, my personal worth rises as well.”
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 13:48:46 +0000

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