3WE-SCENARIOS IN HAPPENING PROBABILITY ORDER AND MY VERSION FROM “WE” I have in my mind think this long time and I am most worried, that it will be such, which may already have happen and determinism just “happen” it ready. Such may be your all genomes guiltiness against humanity and the God or Betelgeuse, which may have already hundred years ago blow (or it happens after million year), and from which circulating hub its “pupil” in time will turn to Earths direction radiating its everything killing burst and naturally forcing the already on ant -evolution side being “humankind” on its selfish (obstacle/ruler) position side to get more soon its determined underground “Ant nest” -form. Maybe this “too near” is the reason, why the second scenario have not yet happen, or also it have happen or is even more determinate to happen, because from that direction maybe many have get them reason to go to this direction millions years time. The second scenario is just that last mentioned and if you are thinking, doing it true in your selves doings, that to become winner, Id, is evolution direction, and become something so durable like very effective robot, like ants, you will be sure, that such ones are last ones coming from space from that direction really soon to look you very near. It is like here in near history, where winner is taking the country and stays, but humanity may get change or success to escape and when such wave have happen there on stars, have human flesh not gone too near Betelgeuse stars direction, but somewhere else. Then that to its evolution process to crystal stay part have its steps, where no one can escape it, after it it selves escapes (only because outside “Mayor Force”) and the rest it maybe cares to such position, that they are not coming to win it later behind to space. So it like..s you…, if you are such or stay without me. The third scenario is, that you just are you and you did not get anything head with (from your skills missing you to universe and Logos connecting) 6 skills above you to lead you out from your dead end processes and such evolution and so you continue do what your genomes are programmed to do to other “you” and the rest continuing your instrumental objects exploiting Id-hubs life on Ant side evolution direction. So it means, that you are just doing your biggest crime in your (from me, 6, universe, ideals and God isolated and) from paradise away gone species history and in it are now getting theft in near future the Earth with Pandemic, And then there is my over 20 years repeated verse of “world end”, which doesn’t mean anything’s or anyone’s dead or loss in any form, controversy in this words all richness, but just that everyone get spiritual leadership above them instrumental earthy face to face leader ordering space mind and so (because such skill, which is ordered in his mind from mental connection and resonance with pure reason justice being part of fleshy humankinds body and humanity needs) am I doing from conscience and sense of humanity my idealism order to the Earth to become such institutions extension and everyone rescue, win and get Paradise. This “World End” is and means only EARTHY barbarian minds rule priority methods ending and step to be under spiritual fair and caring ruling. It means, that even you doesn’t have God, but your “god” is your own mind will, I say, that God is and so you stay to be with your believes and your limits to wonder my direction and maybe in time your sons can become more near to understand about goodness. Put these to them importance order and you may understand, what WE must do together, if you have done first time on history your right decision.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 04:42:23 +0000

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