4/7/14 My Personal thank you for your support towards Deborah - TopicsExpress


4/7/14 My Personal thank you for your support towards Deborah Chesworth This is a personal post to all my friends and colleagues who I have the pleasure of working with at St George Leagues Club. Sadly we farewell our workmate Deborah Chesworth today. She has been not only a workmate for me but also a very dear friend. Her and her Mum were there to support me when my twin nephews who were born 3 days before Christmas and were in intensive care, 2 1/2 yrs ago. Pat (her Mum) kindly offered for me to spend Christmas with them at that difficult time. That will never be forgotten. Hence I have wanted to show Pat the love and support for her daughter that she once showed me. I felt honored to be able to do a collection at work for flowers for her and the family. Initially I found two exquisite orchid plants that I wanted to buy and personally give to her for her home to remember Deb by. What started off as a $160 mission ended up being easily attained 3+ times over when I collected $500. I felt so proud of you all for the love and support you have shown not only myself but Debs family. After finishing work at 2.30am Wed night (really Thursday morning) I left work with the proud collection of $400. After visiting the florist first thing in the morning to confirm that I had indeed collected enough money, and yes please could I have those beautiful orchids that I liked. I proceeded to go to work, with the intent of personally thanking Joni for all her support during this time, as she too like myself had been notified that Deb would not be leaving hospital. Though I am very very grateful that I got to see my friend and say good bye - once again thank you for giving me that opportunity Pat. When I first saw her in hospital hooked up to a morphine drip, I held her hand and she smiled at me and said sorry for not being very attentive. God love her. I have done geriatric nursing in my early 20s so knew she was not well at all, as Pat had explained she only had a couple of days to live. I went back and saw her again on the Monday and I knew she would be lucky to have 24 more hours when I kissed her on the cheek for the last time and said goodbye. I am so sorry to all of you at work that I did not let on to you how very sick she was. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life. i was keeping it secret as it was Debs request, and I wanted to respect her wishes. For those of you who are able to go to the funeral today from the bottom of my heart Thank You for supporting Pat and her family. As we have all heard wonderful stories about them from her over the years. Sorry I got a wee bit side tracked then. Initially went into work to thank Joni and talk to a few people. As Deb and I both worked nights so dont always get to see the day staff. I was once again over whelmed as I had another $100 given to me. Even more so when the security staff approached me and said what a lovely lady she was and also gave me some more money. Those that I saw yesterday know who you are and i thank you for the time we spent together reminiscing about her, it was truly lovely. On the way back to the florist I rang Sharon who had helped me choose the flowers and told her that I now had $500 so we decided to give the florist $200, and that would pay for the 2 orchid plants and an arrangement from us all to be taken to the service. Now we had the question of what to do with the extra $300. We all know what a mad cat lover she was. So we decided the left over money would be for Mr Clooney and his new carer. We all know she would be fretting about what would happen to him. So I think she would be very pleased and smiling down upon us for that. Next I would like to personally thank Sharon Byers for her kindness too and for taking me to deliver the flowers to Pat and Roberts in Cronulla. I know I could have arranged a courier through the florist but thats not very personal is it, so once again thank you Sharon. It was lovely to spend some time with Robert too, unfortunately Pat was at the funeral home. For those of you who kindly gave money please see pics of the flowers bought for the family. Once again thank you to you all, your kindness through this difficult time (for us all) has meant more to me than words can say. Look forward to giving you all a big hug today. Love to all, Vicki xx
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 17:35:44 +0000

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