40 Reflections on Turning 40 *inspired by my good friend, - TopicsExpress


40 Reflections on Turning 40 *inspired by my good friend, Brittney Switala-HisRadio who did a similar list for her 40th birthday. Five things I want 1. More transparency in my relationships. I hate being fake, it makes me tired. 2. The End to all Sibling Disputes 3. A Sister for Autumn 4. Reconnect with Dawn Calabrese Casillas and Caroline Descalzo Nichols, both best friends who meant so much to me at different times in my life who I have not seen in far too long. 5. A Hot stone massage Five things crossed off my bucket list 1. Horseback riding in the Colorado Rocky Mountains 2. Swimming in the Black Sea 3. Seeing Paul McCartney in Concert (twice) 4. Attending a Broadway Play (wicked) in New York City 5. New Years Eve Bonfire on the beach in California Five things still on my bucket list 1. Swim with the dolphins 2. Visit London and Liverpool, England 3. Take an Alaskan Cruise 4. Snorkel 5. parasail Five things I dream about doing 1. Packing everything up and moving into a houseboat on Lake Union Sleepless in Seattle style 2. Taking each child on a special one on one trip that is tailored to their individual interests before they graduate from high school. Kent would take the boys and I would take Autumn. 3. Being there to encourage each of my children live wholeheartedly for Jesus, find their special calling in life and have loving families of their own. 4. Sitting down with my daddy one last time, telling him how much I love him and hearing him say how proud he is of how I turned out. 5. Meeting my precious son, Levi when I get to heaven. Five most defining events in my life 1. Missions trips to Moscow, Russia and Odessa, Ukraine when I was 19 and 20. Made me see that God is bigger than what is going on in my life and in my country. 2. Getting married when I was 21 Nothing changes you quicker than having to adapt your life to include another person. 3. The Journey of Motherhood, starting when I was 26. Each child has added more joy and more changes to my life than I ever thought possible. 4. My father dying when I was 28. He was always my hero and my champion. I still miss him every day. 5. Losing my Levi when I was 35. It is so strange to have someone hold such an enormous piece of your heart, and yet not even meet them until we see each other on the other side. Five Random Opinions 1. If given the choice, always invest in experiences, not things. Things break (especially around our house), but experiences are remembered for years and years to come. 2. Definitely the beach, not the mountains 3. Vacations are for exploring and adventuring, not relaxing. Which is why we always come home needing a vacation after our vacations. 4. I love the Beatles and think they should win first place for every music contest… Most Influential band Ever? The Beatles, of Course. Best song? Hey Jude by the Beatles. England’s most significant contribution of all time? The Beatles. Most popular Female Band of All Time? The Beat… No wait, maybe there is room for other greats. 5. When we go on vacation, I always like to sample the local restaurants. I am a huge Pizza lover. For Chicago Style Pizza, I am partial to Gino’s East. But the most fantastically yummy pizza I have ever tasted comes from Ralf’s Break Room in Cripple Creak, Colorado Five Things I wish I could tell My Sixteen year old Self 1. Only God is perfect, It is okay to fail. 2. Even though you have been with your friends for many years, your time with them is fleeting. Enjoy them to the fullest. 3. Don’t be afraid of the popular kids in your class. They are only people just like you. 4. Spend as much time as possible with your dad and Barbara. They will be gone too soon. 5. Don’t waste time trying to be like everyone else. Pursue that thing that makes you different and quirky. Don’t stop until you find it, and then spend your time doing it. Five Lessons I am still Learning 1. Stop looking at my family as getting in my way as I try to accomplish my goals. my relationships with them are more important than my to do list. 2. God knows me exactly as I am today and loves me anyway. There is nothing that I need to do to earn his love. 3. it is a waste of time to spend my life trying not to upset people. Some people will find reasons to be mad at me no matter what I do. Live my life in such a way that people will miss me when I am gone. 4. I am not responsible for the feelings of those around me. And Vice Versa. We all choose how our experiences affect us. 5. Be content with where God has placed me. God gave me my husband, my children, my house, my calling, my sadnesses because He knows what is best for me. Stop fighting Him.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 23:11:21 +0000

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