43 years old, 4 pregnancies, 5 yrs spent carrying 60+ extra - TopicsExpress


43 years old, 4 pregnancies, 5 yrs spent carrying 60+ extra pounds, 3 year after taking my power and my body back!! My Experience: It’s ALL about what you put in your mouth, what you put on your skin and what you say to yourself inside your own head! It’s about fresh, local, all natural organic REAL foods, not man- made ones. I stay away from refined sugar, grains, pastas, beans, breads, potatoes and most dairy. I practice a daily spiritual connection with my Higher Power, focusing on staying in the present moment, accepting the fact that there is so much in life I cannot change and concentrating on that which I can; Me. I’m living my own life and loving others enough to let them live theirs. This aspect of my “transformation” has been much more profound to my health & well-being than the “diet”, meal plans, cooking skills or nutritional education I’ve acquired. I’m so grateful for the fact that if we are willing to “do the work”, the Universe allows us to lose ourselves, find ourselves and then reinvent ourselves as many times per day, week, month or lifetime as we need to until we’re finally completely content with who we are. In 2009 I lost 40 lbs turning to a vegan diet and yet I still didn’t feel healthy. I was always chasing the hunger beast. My hormones were all over the place. I suffered from anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, various skin problems, hypoglycemia, difficulty concentrating and poor short-term memory even after dropping that substantial amount of weight. The solution for me was found in the missing protein, excess gluten, dairy & sugar link that I learned about in Robb Wolfe’s book “The Paleo Solution”. Three weeks after “going Paleo” I literally felt a fog lift off of me and it’s only gotten better with every passing day. Within six months after incorporating the Paleo/Primal lifestyle I had lost 34 more pounds but gained a ton in the way of energy, restful sleep, normal blood sugar levels, a clear complexion, mental clarity & focus, significant fat loss and strength increase. I was feeling better than I had in my entire life and have never looked back for even a moment! I had to come to terms with the fact that I am an animal. A carnivorous animal none the less. I will turn 44 years old in April and I can honestly say I have NEVER felt better or been healthier in my entire life!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 22:53:42 +0000

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