4m of hope. MEETs graduation speech from last night. - TopicsExpress


4m of hope. MEETs graduation speech from last night. Graduation Speech 2014 Ladies and gentleman, dear guests, families, instructors, staff and students, Its a great honor for us to represent the graduating class of 2014. First of all, we would like to thank all the families for coming here during these hard times. Having such a big bi-national event shouldnt be taken for granted, especially not after the past tense month. The violence, hatred, and anger that have been all around us lately make many people feel hopeless and despaired. Some of us carry heavy emotional baggages of frustration and sadness. We, as MEET students, chose to show up to our last MEET summer and face the great difficulties it held, because we refuse to give up on hope. We believe that the fruits of our insistence and our hard work this summer is hope. The hope we feel and spread among our surroundings is not only a result of this summer, but of the long way we have done as MEET students, starting from our very first day at this program. During our time as MEET students we have acquired important skills and learned meaningful lessons. We studied computer science and business with the most dedicated instructors, and with creating our projects we have reached impressive achievements. We are about to present a few of the projects we have been working on in the last six months, but it is only the tip of the iceberg - we cannot summarize all of our hard work over the years in this single event. We have learned a lot more than business and computer science from these projects - through great challenges we have faced while working together we have acquired teamwork and leadership skills. All along the way, trying to understand the differences between us, we have improved our communication skills, which are now standing to the test of reality. In the last week we experienced complicated emotions and unavoidable disagreements. Using the MEET values as our guide, we navigated through these difficulties. By acting with integrity and treating each other with respect, we managed to converse with each other about controversial subjects. Our experience as MEET students was a special opportunity for us to personally meet and work with people from the other nationality - we were exposed to a world that was new and intriguing to us. This exposure to different perspectives opened our minds and changed our attitude towards a few subjects. But, it is not all about meeting and talking, MEET is also about doing. Our projects and work serve as proof to us, as well as to our surroundings, that we can work and create incredible things together. Now, after going through this process, we are facing a new challenge - utilizing the knowledge, skills, and support that MEET provides us, in order to fulfill our duty to influence our surroundings and lead by example towards the positive change we want to see. We try to bond ourselves together with trust, and to overcome the differences between us by understanding that this is what makes us strong. As we step out of this hall tonight, and finish our way as MEET students, we wish for each and every one of us to keep the MEETs values and mission in our hearts and minds, and let them be our guide as we travel new roads on our way towards our next challenge.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 06:23:21 +0000

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