5-24-2014 pp. 380-433 So, I see with Helga that we are getting - TopicsExpress


5-24-2014 pp. 380-433 So, I see with Helga that we are getting into Romeo and Juliet territory, and also with Kollgrim and Sigrid. Mmmm. In the meantime, I found a description of myself taking on this project, when Gunnar says to Birgitta, “It is always fools who set out on journeys. It is always fools who set out on any endeavor.” I remember that a few weeks before publication, after the project was all finished and ready to go, I was walking down the stairs early in the morning, and I was suddenly afraid--for the first time about any project. I wasn’t exactly afraid of the reception, because enough people at Knopf had liked it and supported it, and it also had a UK publisher. It was more that I was afraid of the project itself, that I had dared to do it. No other book ever struck me in that way. It was like, as I have sometimes said, I had started walking down a little path in the woods on a nice day, not thinking much of it, and then, a while later, the fog blew away and I was on a narrow bridge over a deep gorge and I just had to keep walking no matter where the bridge was taking me. In this section, Love, the joy of composition was in the fact that love, in any novel or play, must always be a puzzle or a maze. The characters cannot just fall in love, tell their parents, and get married. There have to be plot twists, ups and downs, moments of risk. But they are pleasurable ones. I haven’t gotten very far in the love stories, so I have to ask myself, reader to author, Jane, you aren’t really going to mess with these kids, are you? And I don’t remember whether I did or not, so we shall see.
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 17:16:04 +0000

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