5/9/2014 A good week. Danielles blood work is holding up - TopicsExpress


5/9/2014 A good week. Danielles blood work is holding up well. She is tiring easily and needing a rest in the afternoon which is unlike her, but we are enjoying having her home and around so much - its nice. Sees the Dr in Brisbane the week of camp for her next checkup - just a formality this one. Great we can tie it in with Big camp though. Boys went to Gymnastics for first time in 4 years on Thursday night which they both really enjoyed. Weve been very busy - Pathfinder camp last weekend, and a great time with Roy and Roseanne. Had a call from Alita Cherry during the week - was good to make contact again. Ive concreted a new path linking the pool yard and the shed, and we also have half built the block pump house down by the creek (pics to follow). A quiet round home day with Danielle (around the jobs and watering). Got the boys off to school then read together in the sunshine for a while. Did several loads of washing and hung them on the line - its quite enjoyable in the peace and spring sunshine. We also went to see Farooq and Elizabeth down the road to get some of her free range eggs. She gave Danielle a Turkey egg to try too...had a tour around their gardens and a nice little chat. When the boys got home, we went for a kayak as a family and stayed out until opening Sabbath - it was fantastic. Saw 2 eagles, lots of Swans and a bunch of Pelicans. It was a lovely way to ease into Sabbath rest. Blessing to everyone - keep us in your prayers - they are making a difference. Also, please pray for Irene Cherry and her broken leg, and Cheryl Hay, a fellow Leukaemia patient we got to know in Brisbane - she isnt doing so well atm. Ande especially for our young men as we parent them - teenage years are tough enough, without having added stress such as a serious illness in the home. They are such great company and good boys - we love them to bits!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 09:56:41 +0000

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