5 August Jesus, moved with pity, trusts [Mt.14:13-21] 13 When - TopicsExpress


5 August Jesus, moved with pity, trusts [Mt.14:13-21] 13 When Jesus heard that Herod had killed John the Baptist, he headed by boat to a quiet place to be alone. But crowds found out and pursued him on foot from several towns. 14 Landing, he was moved with pity by sight of this throng and he healed their sick. 15 Evening came, and so did the disciples. They said, “This is the middle of nowhere, and the hour’s late. Let the crowds go to nearby villages to buy food.” 16 He said, “They don’t have to leave; you feed them.” 17 “But all we’ve got,” they said, “are five loaves and two fish.” 18 “Bring those to me,” he said. 19 He told the crowds to settle on the grass. He took the loaves and fish. He looked to heaven. He blessed them, broke them, and gave them to the disciples for the crowds. 20 They ate, were satisfied, and gathered up twelve baskets of leftovers. 21 About five thousand ate–-not counting women and children. Matthew says Jesus reacted to the news about Herod by seeking solitude. (We’ll read below what Jesus wanted to do in his solitude; see 14:23.) Although Jesus’ search for solitude is thwarted by others’ pressing needs [v.13b], Matthew says Jesus was moved by those needs, not put off by them [v.14], (unlike the disciples who, arriving on the scene, see the needs as a nuisance [v.15] and are baffled by Jesus’ suggestions for responding to them [vv.16-17].) Jesus then turns to God with complete faith in his divine care (see Ps.8:5 & 144:3;) he acknowledges that bread and fish are God’s blessings, and he then shares those blessings [v.19]. According to Matthew, because of Jesus’ act of faith in the Father, the needs of thousands were satisfied [vv.20-21].
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 03:42:00 +0000

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