5 Ways You Can Make Halloween Healthier. 1. Give less - TopicsExpress


5 Ways You Can Make Halloween Healthier. 1. Give less traditional treats: Fruit leather, raisins, and trail mix are all yummy options! It might not make you too popular with the kids, but you could also opt for the prepackaged veggie bags, baby carrots are always great because theyre orange! 2. Give things that you dont eat: Sure, Halloween is traditionally about candy, but how about the fun trinkets that kids enjoy. Glow in the dark bracelets, stick on warts, fake mustaches (which we actually had at a friend’s 40th birthday last year and were a BIG hit!), silly putty, home made playdough in little plastic eggs. There are tons of options, especially if you hide it in an egg, its like opening a present! 3. Go for the natural sugar: Not all candy is created equally, as I found when I was doing a little research the other day, there are a lot of candys out there that boast all natural ingredients. Milk chocolate made with cane sugar, organic candies, home made treats, etc. All of these things are so much better than the traditional HFCS laden options. Now, realize that when I write this, I dont send my kids trick or treating, we live in an area that is land heavy and house light, so trick or treating would mean packing up and driving a half hour to a more densely populated place. These ideas might not be feasible if youre going to be handing out candy to 300 kids in a night, but if youre planning on a gathering at your house to celebrate while keeping the kids in one place, then this is definitely something to consider. Check out UNREAL Candy, Yum Earth and Annies, just to name a few. 4. Make your own: There are some great cookbooks out there that specialize in yummy treats that are also all natural. 20 Healthy, Spooky Halloween Snacks for Kids by Sally Burnside, and The Paleo Kids Halloween: 15 Spookily Delicious Halloween Candies & Treats (Primal Gluten Free Kids Cookbook) by Kate Evans Scott, just to name a couple. - That last one was actually free on Amazon a few days ago, it may still be. 5. Send it to work: Most parents are going to opt for traditional candy, there’s not much you can do about that. If you’re kids trick or treat and come home with enough candy to last the year, how about setting aside some of their favorites and then sending the rest to work with mom or dad. After all, if it’s not in your house, you don’t have to practice restraint over and over and over again. What will you be doing to make Halloween a little more healthy?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:28:22 +0000

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