50 Things Rupert Murdochs The Australian Newspaper Hates • To - TopicsExpress


50 Things Rupert Murdochs The Australian Newspaper Hates • To mark The Australian’s 50th birthday, Crikey.au has compiled a list of 50 things the Oz loves to hate. If it has missed something or someone who’s been the target of an Oz hate campaign, add them in the comments. 1. Julie Posetti 2. Lee Rhiannon 3. Clive Palmer 4. Ugly teachers 5. Paul Barry from ABC: “In federal politics, Sky News makes a more substantial contribution to public life than the ABC, an institution colonised by perpetually adolescent Triple J graduates who count doltish shows such as The Hamster Decides, Gruen Nation and The Roast as a serious civic debate.” 6. Wendy Bacon 7. Clover Moore 8. Climate change 9. Jihadis 10. Gen Y, or anyone younger than baby boomers 11. “Feral” Greens: “It becomes clear that behind every stated purpose—and an increasing number of anodyne motherhood statements—set out in Greens policies through the years is a secret agenda that, at its core, is anti-free trade, anti-capitalism, anti-wealth, anti-consumption and anti-growth … For too long, Greens extremism has been hidden from the Australian public under a cuddly shroud of green goodwill.” 12. “Latte” Greens 13. Twitter 14. Monarchists 15. Labour regulation 16. Greg Hywood 17. Fairfax—the SMAge 18. Bill Shorten 19. Daily Mail Australia 20. People on welfare 21. Industry assistance: “The Abbott government is heading towards the termination of the practice of throwing good money after bad and is set to burst the failing pretensions of the car lobby.” 22. Margaret Simons 23. Any suggestion of axing negative gearing 24. Unions 25. The Australian Financial Review 26. Robert Manne: “… the startling feature is Manne’s fixation on repressing stories and debates he doesn’t like. He is a moralistic political censor.” 27. Media Watch 28. Plain packaging for cigarettes 29. Julia Gillard 30. Joe Aston 31. Jenna Price 32. Nick Leys 33. Guy Rundle: “Rundle—who it is claimed prefers the French pronunciation of his Christian name (yup, to rhyme with brie)—wrote two scathing pieces about the Guardian’s handling of Assange for The Monthly, which Davies slammed as inaccurate, forcing an apology and retraction. Davies confronted Rundle at the book launch and by way of riposte threw the remainder of his wine in Rundle’s face. The Evening Standard’s Londoner’s Diary recounted that Rundle mewled and stomped off muttering: ‘I’ve got to change my contact lenses now’ while Davies ‘hopped around like a champ’.” 34. Finkelstein Review 35. Simon Sheikh 36. Ken Cowley 37. Bruce Wilson 38. Jake Lynch 39. The carbon tax 40. IR academics who disagree with them 41. Science 42. People who don’t smoke 43. BDS 44. Michael Stutchbury 45. Kim Williams 46. Old Crikey articles 47. Mumbrella 48. People who don’t follow up its stories (a la Palmer). 49. People who do follow up its stories (a la Daily Mail). 50. Crikey: ”Crikey’s position in the media world is left of centre, anti-establishment because it has nowhere else to go. If it were not a gadfly, a pricker of pomp and pretension, it would be nothing. It breaks virtually no news; it relies on controversial comment for its existence and carefully crafts this formula to keep the subscriptions rolling in.” (source: Crikey.au)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 10:05:00 +0000

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