50 years ago yesterday, Reagan gave a really stirring speech. You - TopicsExpress


50 years ago yesterday, Reagan gave a really stirring speech. You can find it. Its on YouTube. It lasts about 30 minutes. In fact, I even provided a link to it. It just reminds me of all of the things that used to make us the Greatest Nation on Earth. Some of Reagans best quotes came from that speech. And he wasnt even running for President. This was 1964 and he didnt run until 1980. Back when he gave that speech, it was about the goodness of the American people and the inefficiency of Government. Common sense principles. Principles that have been lost over the course of the last 50 years. When I started driving about 15 years ago, gas was around $1/gallon. I would have never believed it would triple or even quadruple (as it did in 2008 under Bush) in price. As a Senior in High School in 1998, I used to bring my Bible to school every day. I never would have believed that would be almost considered a crime. I never would have believed that the American Flag would be considered offensive as it is today. Are you starting to get the picture? This wasnt decades or generations ago, this was 15 years ago. Weve fallen victim to an out of control Government and we need to scale Government back and stop selling them our rights for the handouts that they can shut off at any time. You have a choice next week. If youre satisfied with the same Government that is doing little to nothing (and even voicing their opposition to States that are trying) to effectively prevent an outbreak of Ebola in this Country, or a Government that wants to control your healthcare...if youre satisfied with a Government that replaces education in schools with common core or one that bans the very Flag that so many have died to defend in some of those same schools...if youre satisfied with a Government that lets people break the law by coming over here illegally and then wants to give them amnesty because the American people dont believe in them enough for them to win elections...and I could go on an on, then I guess you know what to do. If youre not okay with the Government that we have today, I suggest that you change that next Tuesday. Get out and vote Republican if you value the American People over the American Government. American is Freedoms last stand on Earth. https://youtube/watch?v=qXBswFfh6AY
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:02:56 +0000

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