500 Daily Thin Veneer A veneer is a cover, of sorts. The basic - TopicsExpress


500 Daily Thin Veneer A veneer is a cover, of sorts. The basic characteristic, is that it is thin. Thin veneer, a redundancy. Redundant or not, it is the redundancy that adds emotion to the term. While veneer is enough, saying thin veneer, brings it on home. Skin is a veneer. It is also an organ. It makes it a whole lot easier to identify each other. Wouldn’t you say? The skin is continuously being misinterpreted as us. When in truth, it is only part of us. There is a product, that happens to be delicious. It is being marketed as a snack. The product, is a skin thin seaweed film. Go ahead and try it, if you haven’t. It’s healthy, interesting and again, delicious. It is not a veneer however. A veneer, covers something, thin is simply another characteristic, though, a defining one. It is used in literature and is true to life in many aspects. Veneers, almost figuratively speaking, are disguises that people wear as part of their make up. They are developed to hide behind. We all have heard the phrase, ‘the veneer is wearing thin’, meaning, one is about to be exposed, found out. While it is still a ways away from being transparent, it is only a matter of time. Veneers have been in vogue as a wall covering, for as long as we have been decorating structures. The outside of buildings use facades, for effect, veneers too. Though, it is more likely on the inside of a structure that it really finds its beauty. The way we decorate walls is with a veneer. Paint is one. Wall paper another. Still yet, wood paneling, makes a very interesting statement. Paneling, tends to blend well in a masculine setting. It definitely, gives a warmth and even a demure finish to a room. Within the last several decades, dentistry has accomplished much in the way of artistry that enhances the look of ones mouth; your teeth. One may possess an ugly set of teeth. All chipped up, discolored and not even close to being even. Many times these teeth are full of decay and all types of rot. When able, which is more often than not because of its popularity, which also means ca-ching for the dentist, a bad set of teeth can be made to look, appear, naturally beautiful, if one doesn’t get carried away, so that the change, before and after, isn’t too severe, noticeable. The procedure, referred to is, dental veneers. We also incorporate, a veneer, that we usually don’t even consider as a veneer. Contact lenses. They work as a magnifier and incorporate other attributes of wearing eyeglasses, into a lens which contacts with the eye. This eye veneer, has just become even more prominent, in that it makes it easy to have different color eyes. A different color daily! Facades, are not meant to be sturdy in structure, for the most part, they are a ‘look alike’, only, an imposter. This is also a trait of a veneer. Some facades are quite obnoxious, these days. Veneers, get more of a break in terms of general acceptance.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:45:54 +0000

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