52 Blacks Shot In One Fathers Day Weekend By Other Blacks In - TopicsExpress


52 Blacks Shot In One Fathers Day Weekend By Other Blacks In Chicago 2010 Yet There Is No Outrage, Why? 2010 – Warning Language May Be Offensive at The END of This Video... However this message needs to be heard!! There is no unity in this community but can people tell me why black people have no problem doing things to each other and never calling it a problem. If there was a few white people who live in Chicago and killed just 3 black people over a weekend, there would be a public outcry but here you see nothing at all. This was what happened in 2010 on fathers day… We have to do better than this but these so called people who love black people should be the main ones pushing for us to be better but instead all we are doing is trying to turn YouTube into housewives of YouTube while our real brother and sisters are out there killing each other. Lets be real revolutionaries and talk about that because if you look at the so called revolutionary YouTubers and their channels, they didnt talk about this at all and how could any black know this much death and genocide is going on and say nothing? ~ TjSotmayor (sotomayortv/chicagofd2010/)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:42:30 +0000

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